With the nine forms of devotion: Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhya & Atmanivedana, lets bow down with reverence before our Guru who is the supreme being, the Lord of Lords, SatChitAnanda, from whom the living came into existence and in whom everyone merges, before him let us salute, and thank him for all the beautiful things he has done to us. May Lord Siva, Sai & Guru's grace be on all.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Baba visits me on the previous day of my Marriage

22-Oct-2011, Saturday was my marriage with Suma. I visited Shri Sai Baba temple @ Guntakal, Andhra Pradesh and invited Baba to my marriage and offered the wedding card to his holy feet. I also posted another card to Shri Sai Baba and my guru sai maa, Smt. Veena guptaji, New Delhi and One to my guru, Shri Ramananda Maharshi who always inspired me to sing Shri sai baba's Songs. Maharshi has a sweet voice and sang as many as 500+ Sankeerthans on Shri Sai baba. Meditating on Shri Sai Baba & listening to the sankeertans sung by Shri Ramananda maharshi has always been very powerful. I have always been concentrating on Shri Sai and amazed by his sports and Leelas and keep thinking of it every minute. Shri Sai thus is always close to my mind and heart.

My day of wedding was approaching with all preparations going on in parallel. I was very confident that Baba would visit me in some form during my wedding ceremony. A week before on Saturday early morning, i had a dream. Baba appeared sitting next to me. He looked well built and had big eyes and strong hands. He held my hand in his and said "Why are you worried?...Don't you know that i will come to your wedding. I will come to your wedding ...i will come to your wedding". I asked Baba.."Baba...how will i see you..., where exactly will i see you" Baba just smiled and disappeared and i woke up suddenly. Felt very happy and sentimental too.

I was confident that Baba would come and bless me and Baba acknowledged my belief. The day before marriage was my first marriage ritual, the "Haldi function", in which the Haldi (turmeric powder) would be applied on the face and hands of the bridegroom as it happens in every Hindu family. We went in procession to a near by "Sri Sunkalamma Devi" (Form of Durga Maa) temple. Once pooja is performed to the Diety, Haldi would be applied on the face. We reached the temple and stood on the temple premises and the elders went into the Garba gudi (inner sanctorium of temple). All of a sudden an old man appeared and approached me. He had a very pleasing personality. He was in his 60s and wore a pant and light shirt. He had big eyes with white and grey eye brows. He had lite beard. He raised his hand as if he we knew each other from very long and as if he was wishing me and blessing me saying he has come invited. I never saw him before. He came closely and stood just next to me.I saw him into his eyes. As i looked at him, i felt oneness with him. His eyes spoke a lot, as if he knew everything going on but we never exchanged a single word. I kept looking at him as if he will initiate a conversation.He kept silent. Just smiled at all of us pleasingly. Yes, He looked exactly the man i saw in my dream. He was Baba. His eyes, his face resembled the man in my dream. I felt very happy. I controlled and hid my tears. I told my younger sister Anitha, Baba is here. She saw and was excited. Yes..she said "..his body gestures resembled the same Sai Baba of Shirdi". As he was standing very near, almost touching us, one of my uncles asked him to sit on a stone seat near by. Do you know how he sat. He sat with one leg crossing the other, again acknowledging me that its ME only.

I kept gazing at him. All my inner senses were excited. I never spoke a word as if someone made me silent. As if some one has answered all my queries. As if someone has given me everything i wanted..As if someone fulfilled all my wishes, As if i had nothing to ask for, As if i accomplished everything in this world and nothing more and nothing less is needed anymore. Probably he knew i would not speak up and all my words had emptied, he initiated the first sentence and asked my sis, Anitha.

Baba: Whose Marriage is it.
Anitha: Showing me...My brother's.
Baba: Smiling. Do you know krishnaji..who is a Darji, meaning, a tailor.
Anitha: We don't know
Baba: Tomorrow, its his pooja here. (As if he has to attend his pooja. I felt Krishnaji should also be another staunch devotee of Baba and has attended Baba for his marriage)
Anitha & Me: Nodded our heads.

 I still never spoke a word. We knew it was Baba for sure, but not sure why i did not speak up. I could have touched his feet. Not sure why i stood dumb. Later, i realized i could have done all this. Baba, please forgive me. You are all in all for me and all of us. I'm nothing without you. Its only because of your Biksha that i'm what i'm. I'm still waiting for my marriage pics taken from the photographer's camera. It should have Baba's pictures. I will post them if the Baba i met is in them. My relatives who performed the pooja inside the inner sanctorium came outside with Maa's haldi to put it on my face to mark the start of the function. It was then that Baba left us blessing and looking at all of us most pleasingly. All of them, men & women who came to our function were asking me who it was. I told them it was my Baba who came to me. He left as silently as he came. We went back home in procession.
Next day, it was my marriage. On both days, i took a big portrait of Baba and kept it on the stage, just next to me. Baba was sitting close to me during my marriage. One of my wife's friend, brought a nice big portrait of Shri Sai Baba. Baba's portrait is equivalent to Baba himself as proven in Sai Satcharithra. It was an amazing experience of sorts to me to have Baba attend my marriage functions on both days.
Thanks Baba for all the joy you gave during my wedding. I wish i could still write how much it means to me while i say a Thanks to you. Koti koti thanks to my Parama Guru. You are just greatest of everything in this universe.

At the lotus feet of Shri Sai
Sudheer Kumar Pisay

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Sai Answers - Experience

Wed, 15 Sep 2010 23:20:38 -0700

I would like to share with all sai bandhus, an experience i had today on how Baba preaches us demonstrating it practically. Even when Baba was in flesh, he never used to instruct orally to devotees questions. He used to demonstrate them by giving live experiences. As we all know, his ways and leelas are inscrutable. I recite and do Sri Sai Amrith vani every thursday regularly. I have been doing this from my first visit to Veena ma's son's residence @ Hyderabad during early 2008. Since then Sai has transformed my life completely for the better - for both wordly and spirtually. This thursday, after 2-1/2 yrs, for the first time, i never did Sri Sai Amrith vani because one of my uncle passed away and it was "Soothak" (Refraining from doing any kind of Pooja for 11 days) to my family. But i was not feeling good to be away from Baba's Pooja. So i questioned Baba this morning and wanted to email Veena ma if i can continue to do the Amrithvani even during these 11 days. On this same day, i was reading the Devotees experiences written by Shri B.V. Narasimha swamiji.(Ebook on below link). http://literature.saibaba.com/books/devotees_experiences/part3/p218.html In this book, one of the then devotee, Shri Vinayak Daji Bhave has written his experiences...His words goes like this...."...My mother Annapoornabai Daji Bhave went to Shridi. There when she tried to enter the mosque, Sai baba prevented her saying it would pollute the mosque. When she returned to yeola, she received a card from from Yootmal that her daughter-in-law had died on a particular date - which was the day before my mother's visit to the shirdi mosque. She had to observe 10 days pollution("Soothak") from that day onwards. She did not know it then, But Baba knew it evidently...." Thus Baba answered me saying that i should observe the 10 day soothak. But how can i be away from your thoughts my dear Baba...hence i was reading this book when the all pervading hinted me thus.

Bow to Shri Sai. Peace be to all.

At the lotus feet of sadguru Shri sai,
Pisay Sudheer Kumar.

Sai Baba helped me in numerous ways

I would like to share a couple of experiences i had recently with the most kind, merciful and loving Sadguru, Shri Sainath who showers love and grace to anyone irrespective of caste, creed, color, poor and rich without any distinction. Every one is equal to Him. He showers His grace in ample to anyone who spreads their palms with devotion and pray whole heartedly.

I read Sai Satcharitra randomly one chapter everyday. Since then i have been transformed immensely. Every thought that i think is about Him. Every one i see, i see Sai. I make a conscious effort in thinking like this. This way, He has raised me to new heights of love and devotion. When such feelings develop in ones heart, you feel love, love and love. You start experiencing the bliss.

During my elder sister's pregnency, i used to pray Baba for His much required help and blessings for my sister's normal delivery without much labour pains since my mother is also no more to take personal care of my sister. I used to pray Baba day in and day out to be with us and help us in such testing moments. On such occasions, when i used to open a chapter randomly from Sai Satcharitra, i used to get the chapter 33, in which the following story would come up. Nanasaheb Chandorkar's daughter Mainatai would be pregnant and suffering from labour pains he then remembered Baba and invoked His aid. Baba sends Udi through Ramgirbuva to Nanasaheb. The tanga and its driver drops Ramgirbua near Nana's house and disappears.

This way Baba used to assure me of safe delivery. Also Baba's Udi came to my sister's rescue during the most challenging moments. The Udi which Baba Himself has sprinkled on a letter i wrote to Him. (The Udi appeared in Saima, Mrs.Veenaji gupta aunty's house where Baba's presence is felt strong).

Then the delivery day had come and within moments my sister delivered a cute baby girl without even knowing that those were delivery pains. She thought its the normal pains she used to get while carrying. But her inlaws applied Babas Udi which i gave to them during the pains.Thanks to Baba. We are ever indebted to Him for His kind grace. My sister is immensely happy.

There are lot of such instances where Baba used to assure me though such messages. One more instance goes like this.

While in office, when i looked at one of the girls accidentally, i was reminded of one of the chapters (Chapter XLIX) in Sai Satcharitra. The following is description of chapter.

When Nanasaheb was once sitting in the Masjid with Mhalasapati and others, a Mohammedan gentlemen from Bijapur came with his family to see Baba. Seeing gosha (veiled) ladies with him, Nanasaheb wanted to go away, but Baba prevented him from doing so. The ladies came and took the darshan of Baba. When one of the ladies removed her veil in saluting Baba's feet and then resumed it again, Nanasaheb, who saw her face, was so much smitten with her rare beauty that he wished to see her face again. Knowing Nana's restlessness of mind, Baba spoke to him after the lady had left the place as follows - "Nana, why are you getting agitated in vain? Let the senses do their allotted work, or duty, we should not meddle with their work. God has created this beautiful world and it is our duty to appreciate its beauty. The mind will get steady and calm slowly and gradually. When the heart is pure, there is no difficulty, whatsoever. Why should one be afraid of any one if there be no evil thought in us? The eyes may do their work, why should you feel shy and tottering?"

And later on that day when i opened Satcharitra one page randomly, i got this same chapter. Its not a coincident. Its proved so many times. Baba gives messages to devotees through Satcharitra. How i love my Sai, i cannot describe in words. I get only tears on remembering His grace. And all such tears which come out of joy is dedicated to His lotus feet.

I am greatly indebted to Baba for being a guide to me to traverse through a right path. Its not just that. One more experience. Baba stresses a lot of importance on following a Guru who guides you through right path. Baba made me get introduced to a Siddha guru who has got Atma Shakshatkar and has also got the power of giving Atma Shakshatkar to other devotees. This guruji is introduced to me through one of Baba's great devotee whom I'm greatly thankful to. The Siddha guru is Shri Ramananandha Maharshi. Baba works through him in inumerable no. of ways in raising people spiritually. Interested Devottees can browse through the following website for more information. "www.shirdisaianugrahapeetam.com". Shri Ramananandha Maharshiji has authoured a no. of books like "The Secret Of Shirdi Sai's Benevolence". Baba has personally given messages on the different ways to follow to reach him and get liberated. We would shortly start a yahoogroup on that. Interested devotees can mail their yahoo id's to pisaysudheer2002@gmail.com so that once we start i would invite a mailer to each one of them to join the group.

Yet another experience goes like this. I am working for a software firm. Ddue to recession there is a bit slow down in the business and its hard to get good projects from clients. I had no work to contribute to my company for about 4 months. My utilization was moderate. On praying Baba strongly, one of the Thursday's i was called by a delivery Manager and given work to start. And the most wonderful thing is that he is a part of this spiritual group and is a blessed soul. Thanks to him. May Baba shower His grace in ample to him & his family members.

Just after participating in Shaktipath which the guru Shri Ramananandha Maharshiji gave, a strong feeling arose in me to write about him after two days (Shaktipath is Atma Shakshatkar, given by guru to disciple. Tremendous amount of energy enters into person taking Shakthipath). On Tuesday early morning i got a vision. The vision is about Shri Hanuman in which I was singing Hanuman Dandakam and Lord Hanuman appeared to me from the temple and tied a sacred knot on my hand. His form resembled something like an early man (ancient man of in the history of human evolution) with lots of hair on His body. My joy knew no bounds when i woke up. Thanks to Baba for showering His grace in ample. Thus i got this opportunity to write about Him.

Pisay Sudheer Kumar

Dwarkamai's leelas

Dear Sai Devotees,

I would like to share with all sai bandhus, an experience i had today on how Baba preaches us demonstrating it practically. Even when Baba was in flesh, he never used to instruct orally to devotees questions. He used to demonstrate them by giving live experiences. As we all know, his ways and leelas are inscrutable. I recite and do Sri Sai Amrith vani every thursday regularly. I have been doing this from my first visit to Veena ma's son's residence @ Hyderabad during early 2008. Since then Sai has transformed my life completely for the better - for both wordly and spirtually.

This thursday, after 2-1/2 yrs, for the first time, i never did Sri Sai Amrith vani because one of my uncle passed away and it was "Soothak" (Refraining from doing any kind of Pooja for 11 days) to my family. But i was not feeling good to be away from Baba's Pooja. So i questioned Baba this morning and wanted to email Veena ma if i can continue to do the Amrithvani even during these 11 days. On this same day, i was reading the Devotees experiences written by Shri B.V. Narasimha swamiji.(Ebook on below link).

In this book, one of the then devotee, Shri Vinayak Daji Bhave has written his experiences...His words goes like this...."...My mother Annapoornabai Daji Bhave went to Shridi. There when she tried to enter the mosque, Sai baba prevented her saying it would pollute the mosque. When she returned to yeola, she received a card from from Yootmal that her daughter-in-law had died on a particular date - which was the day before my mother's visit to the shirdi mosque. She had to observe 10 days pollution("Soothak") from that day onwards. She did not know it then, But Baba knew it evidently...."

Thus Baba answered me saying that i should observe the 10 day soothak. But how can i be away from your thoughts my dear Baba...hence i was reading this book when the all pervading hinted me thus.

Bow to Shri Sai. Peace be to all.

At the lotus feet of sadguru Shri sai,

Pisay Sudheer Kumar.

Think And Sai Baba Is Here

I would like to share with you my experience with Baba which happened recently. It was on 26-Jan-2010, Tuesday noon at around 2.30 pm I was reading one of the books on Baba in which the lines read “The moment you think of me, I manifest before you” which is one of Baba’s promises. And the lines go on saying if this is wished with a pure heart, this would come true. I truly wished Baba should come before me and continued reading it. It was Tuesday at 2:30pm the time coincided with Baba’s Maha Samadhi day which was Tuesday, 2:30pm. As we know, Baba took Mahasamadhi on 15-October-1918, Tuesday noon. After about half an hour, I heard some chorus songs being chanted outside my house. I peeped outside to see Baba’s palki procession passing by my house. One can imagine my happiness. Such instances are many in my life where Baba proved that he is near and always caring. Baba is very Omnipresent. “Think and he is here”. Thanks Baba for showering your love and Am always indebted to you. May I be your slave and serve you being very closely bonded with you in as many future births that I may have before I reach your holy abode. Amen.

Thanks & Regards,

Sudheer Kumar Pisay.

One more Leela of Baba

Aug-2009 Experience,

Last week I wrote an experience which was published in the blog. Its not been a week and here's one more Baba's Leela which He has showered on me.

On 01-Aug-2009 the whole day, I sat reading a telugu book called "Shirdi Sai Anugraha Seva Rahasyam" written by Tatvadarshi Shri Ramananda Maharshiji. This is a wonderful book which has got spirtual gems to pick from. I completed half of the book and in the evening do not know why I had a strong desire to watch the movie called "Shri Manjunatha" a devotional telugu movie on Lord Shri Shiva. I prayed Sai Baba and went out to find this VCD in various video Libraries. But since this movie was released in the year 2001 and it's been long, so this was not available in the shops. Dejected, I returned home. Then I badly searched through the net to see if its available but I could only find the video songs. One song called "Om Mahapraana Deepam shivam..." sung by Shankar Mahadevan moved me. I watched this song for almost 10 times continuously and went to sleep. I always feel Baba is very well aware of every move that I make, since all my thoughts are just about Him. I love Baba like anything. May be because I realised through many experiences that He is the indweller of every heart - Hridaya Nivasi. He is sarva vyapak - has presence everywhere inside us, outside us, above us and below us. He spans every space and time. These are not at all constraints to Him. The next day (02-aug-2009 Sunday) when I switched on the TV I saw "Shri Manjunatha" being screened on Television on the channel-Etv. How happy I was. Tears rolled down my eyes and I dedicated each of this drop to His Lotus feet. To make me watch the movie, He made this movie to be aired and that too, to be watched by so many people in the world. I realized Baba started answering each and every prayer of mine. He has transformed my life altogether. This is a confirmation of His presence in me, near me and everywhere.

Tatvadarshi Shri Ramananda Maharshi in this book beautifully says "In spiritual life, Every human being who would be spiritually inclined will be strongly influenced by two. One is God and the other one is Guru. Such human being "WILL" have to serve these two. Due to the merits accumulated in many births, one will get the grace of God. And by the grace of God you will find a Guru.

To differentiate both of them by a simple analogy - God is like a Father and Guru is like a husband. From birth of an infant to the marriage it’s the responsibility of the father to take care of the daughter. The moment the father does the kanya daan/marriage of the daughter, it’s the onus of the husband to take care of the daughter. So the daughter will have to spend her first part of the life in her father's house and the next part in the husband's house. Similarly, every devotee will develop faith towards the God across various births. During the testing moments it is this God who will stand and support and save the devotee. But the moment the spiritual quest gets invoked inside a devotee's heart and when an intense desire arises in the mind of the devotee to visit and experience the real truth, this is the phase and the moment in which the God hands over the devotee to the guru for protection, responsibility and driving the devotee forward. When such a command comes to the guru from God, the guru will come in contact with the devotee without effort either through visions, meditations or in person. When the devotee finds the guru in such a way, one should offer his service and prayers to the guru more importantly than the God whom one used to pray before finding the Guru and see god in guru and guru in god.

At the lotus feet of my Guru, Sri sadguru Sri Sainath,
Sudheer Kumar Pisay.

Jai Sai Ram

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shri Sai AmritVani Experience & pics- 06-Jan-2011 Hyderabad

--- On Fri, 1/7/11, Sudheer pisay wrote:
From: Sudheer pisay
Subject: Shri Sai AmritVani Experience & pics- 06-Jan-2011 Hyderabad
To: "Ashok Gupta" , mysaibaba20@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, January 7, 2011, 11:16 PM

Sai Ram Dear Devotees,
Happy New Year 2011. What could be the better way to celebrate the New year than starting the first thrusday of the year in the presence of the Parabrahma Shri Sai and our Sadguru Sai Veena Maa who guides & shows us the Parabrahma. I started my journey of reciting the Sacred script Shri Sai Amritvani around 3 years ago when the holy couple made their first presence in Hyderabad. Since then i never missed an opportunity to attend the Amritvani whenever they have been to Hyderabad. Even otherwise, Baba has filled in a lot of enthu in me to recite the sacred script, Shri Amritvani every thursday with out fail since 3 years. This unique divine quality was rooted and imbibed in me by Veena ma. I consider her as my first guru. She has touched my life and transformed me immensely.Thaanks maa. Wherever i refer to veena ma it could be Baba and wherever Baba is refered it could be Veena ma. I see no difference in them. Baba uses Veena ma as his medium to transform tremendous power & enery to the devotees.
Mrs. Vaneja aunty requested Veenama to come to Hyderabad from Bangalore to bless the devotees of Hyderabad. This thursday as soon as i visited Mrs.Vaneja aunty's house, may Sai bless her & her family for having invited Veenama to shower her blessings, i started feeling a kind of chilled vibrations from the spine raising towards my head. And this feeling continued through out the Amrithvani. Probably this is the kundalini Shakthi that i read in meditation books. I know, my thanks wont be enough to express my gratitude to Baba and the holy couple.Still, Thank you Veena ma and Ashokji.
This week,Veenama stressed the importance of Meditation to recieve Sai's power & grace. In her words... Everyday a minimum of 5 minutes should be spent in meditation after praying Sai. Keep your mind & heart calm, do not allow your mind & heart to wander here and there. Recite Sai Sai if it wanders, this will allow your mind to be thoughts free, calm, concentrated & composed. Devotees should close their eyes for a 2 minute meditation after the Amritvani and should not open until Veenama completes a powerful prayer to Sai on behalf of All. Only after her prayers...everyone should open their eyes because she is praying for all of us and this prayer is extremely powerful and we should concentrate on this powerful prayer.
Then we saw Baba's Leelas which are captured in the pictures i have taken in my mobile.Sorry for the bad clarity of these pictures. One of the devotees brought Baba's murthy which is very big in length. Veenamaa's request to devotees is that we should not have a murthy (idol) which is bigger than the size of our palm. Such big size are meant to be in temples only. If we are keeping murthy of this size in house...then its such that we should daily do the 4 aarthis, offer bhog four times and do the abishek regularly as in temples. Since it would not be possible for everyone, we should restrict the idol to the size of the palm at the max. This idol which the devotee brought shows Baba cooking in a big handi. Vibhuti manifested on it And Baba did not leave it there, he is the amazing creator of this universe, he has shown his creativity by cooking some sweet dish in the handi. Can be seen in the pic.Such is the wonderful power of baba.
Devotees also prayed for the doctor family, Rajesh Talwarji and Nupur Talwarji for the injustice done by the CBI in the case of their Late daughter Arushi's murder. May Baba remove all their troubles.
The email has become too lengthy...again this flow is not mine but Baba's. Thanks to Veenama, Ashokji. Thanks to Mrs. Vaneja & family. May Baba fulfil all their desires. Lets pray Baba to continue to shower his blessings through Veenamaa, i'm sure if Baba wishes, Maa will visit Hyderabad often though her son got transferred to Bangalore & resides there.
Hail to Shri Sai. Peace be to All.
At the lotus feet of Shri Sai,
Sudheer Kumar Pisay.

Moving light was captured on CC camera in Sai baba Temple in DilshukNagar, Hyderabad

Hello Devotees,
Moving light was captured on CC camera in Sai baba Temple in DilshukNagar, Hyderabad recently last month. This was said to have happened on 3 different nights around 11pm when the temple gates were closed with only the security people left inside the temple. Devotees believe it to be our Baba and the bright light was seen moving around the temple premises and finally vanishing up into the sky.
Jai Sai Ram
At the lotus feet of Shri Sai,
Sudheer Pisay

Baba's Power of Udhi

I would like to share an incident happened today at Gachibowli Hyderabad. I came out from office to book Bus tickets and while returning to office on bike, i saw a mohammedan lady in her 60's fall suddenly while walking. She had her daughter accompanying her. I turned my bike thinking i would be of some help to them. The old lady was unconscious. For about 10 minutes, people were trying to bring her to consciousness by sprinkling water on her but the old lady did not respond. She was hardly breathing. The daughter started sobbing. I had a packet of Baba's Udhi. I gave some to the daughter and asked her to put in her mother's mouth and asked to pour in some water. She did. The old lady opened her eyes and came to consciousness. They took her beside the road safely and she was able to walk. Thanks to Baba. As soon as i started my bike to go back to office, i see a van passing by me with a big poster of Baba. One can imagine my happiness. My eyes got filled and I thanked Baba form the bottom of my heart.

At the lotus feet of Shri Sai
Sudheer Pisay.