With the nine forms of devotion: Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhya & Atmanivedana, lets bow down with reverence before our Guru who is the supreme being, the Lord of Lords, SatChitAnanda, from whom the living came into existence and in whom everyone merges, before him let us salute, and thank him for all the beautiful things he has done to us. May Lord Siva, Sai & Guru's grace be on all.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Moving light was captured on CC camera in Sai baba Temple in DilshukNagar, Hyderabad

Hello Devotees,
Moving light was captured on CC camera in Sai baba Temple in DilshukNagar, Hyderabad recently last month. This was said to have happened on 3 different nights around 11pm when the temple gates were closed with only the security people left inside the temple. Devotees believe it to be our Baba and the bright light was seen moving around the temple premises and finally vanishing up into the sky.
Jai Sai Ram
At the lotus feet of Shri Sai,
Sudheer Pisay

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