With the nine forms of devotion: Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhya & Atmanivedana, lets bow down with reverence before our Guru who is the supreme being, the Lord of Lords, SatChitAnanda, from whom the living came into existence and in whom everyone merges, before him let us salute, and thank him for all the beautiful things he has done to us. May Lord Siva, Sai & Guru's grace be on all.

Sai Baba Aarathi in English and their meanings


                       Kakad Aarathi                                 

1 . BHUPALI - Composed by :: Sant Tukaram Maharaj

Joduniyaa kara charanee ttevilaa mathaa Parisawee vinanthee maajzee Sadgurunaathaa

 With folded hands, I lay my head at your feet. O Sadgurunatha, please listen to my entreaty:
Aso naso bhaava aalo tujziyaa ttaayaa Kripaa drishtee paahe majzakade Sadgururaayaa
Forever, I want to remain at your feet, grant me the place without any hesitancy.

Akhandeeta asaave aise vaatate payee Sandoonee sankoch ttaava todaasaa deyee.

Since I desire to be at your feet always, give me shelter, leaving aside all reservations.

Tukaahmane Devaa maajzee vedeevaakudee Naame bhavapaasaa haathee aapulyaa thondi

Tuka says: In whatever haphazard and worthless way I call you O God, by your name, break my worldly shackles with your own hands.

2 . BHUPALI - Composed by :: Sant Janabai

Uttaa Paandurangaa aataa prabhaatasamayo paatalaa Vaishnawaancha melaa garudapaaree daatalaa

Arise, O Panduranga (Vithal, Incarnation of Lord Vishnu at Pandharpur), it is now dawn. Vishnu’s devotees have gathered in large numbers at Garudpara (Eagle-shaped platform found in Vaishnava temples).

Garuda paaraapaasunee mahaadwaaraa payanta Suravaraanchee maandee ubhee jodooniyaa haat

From the Garudpara (Eagle-shaped platform found in Vaishnava temples), right upto the main door, the assembly of the best of the deities stands with folded hands.

Suka anakaadika naarada tumbara bhaktanchyaa kotee Trisool damaroo ghewooni wubhaa girijechaa patee

In the midst of large gathering are Shuka-Sanaka, Narada-Tumbar; and even Girija’s consort (Shankar) is standing there with trident and damru (sort of tabor shaped like an hour-glass).

Kaleeyugeechaa bhakta Namaa ubhaa keertanee Paatteemaage wubhee dolaa laavuniyaa Janee

In these times of Kaliyug (The dark and troublesome Age of the present) Namdev is performing the kirtan (Praising the Lord with music and singing) and behind him stands Jani (Servant at Namdev’s house. She was dedicated to Pandurang) meditating on you with intensity.

3 BHUPALI - Composed by :: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Utta utta Sri Sainaathaguru charana kamala daavaa Aadhivyaadhi bhavataapa vaarunee taaraa jadajeevaa :(dhr):

Arise! Arise! Shri Sainarh Guru, show us your lotus feet. Tide over and relieve us of all worldly tensions, physical tribulations, and temporal problems; and, save us all.

Gelee tumha soduniyaa bhava tama rajanee vilayaa Pareehi agnaanaasee tumachee bhulavi yogamaayaa
Sakthi na amhaa yatkinchitahee tijalaa saaraya Tumheecha teete saaruni daavaa mukha jana taaraayaa

Dark worldly night has finished and left you. You are beyond all illusions. Yet the ignorant are deceived by these illusions (‘Yogmaya’). We do not have even the slightest of powers to ward off these illusions. You alone can grant salvation to the people by giving darshan (divine vision) of your divine face.

Bho Sainaatha Maharaaja bhava timiranaasaka ravee Agnanee aamhee kitee tumhicha varnaava thoravee
Thee varnitaa bhaagale bahuvadani sesvidhi kavee

O, Lord Sainath Maharaj, you are the sun that destroys the darkness of ignorance of this world. How ignorant we are! You alone can describe your greatness. Even the great poets and thousand headed Seshnag (snake on which Lord Vishnu rests) are exhausted in their attempt to describe it.

Sakripa howuni mahimaa tumachaa tumheecha vadavaava Adhi….. Utha…..

Mercifully, therefore, O Lord you alone can describe your greatness. Tide over…

Bhakta manee sadbhaava dharooni je tumha anusarale, Dhyaanyasthawa te darsana tumache dwwari ubhe ttele
Dhyaanasthaa tumha asa paahunee mana amuche ghaale, Paree thwadvachanaamrith praasaayaate aatura jzhaale

The faithful devotees, who follow you with good intentions and feelings to have your darshan (Divine vision) are waiting at your doors. We are filled with contentment to see you in deep meditation, but we are eager to drink from you the nectar of your teachings.

Wughadoonee netrakamalaa deenabandhu Ramakaanta, Paahi baa kripadrishtee baalakaa jashee maaataa
Ranjavee madhuravaanee haree taapa Sainaatha

Open you lotus eyes, Lord of the poor and destitute, Lord LaxmiPati (Vishnu) and look us at mercifully, as a mother looks at her child. Your enlightened words and sweet voice, remove all our sufferings, O Sainatha.

Aamhceecha aapule karyaasthava tuja kashtavito Deva Sahana karisil te aikuni dyaavee bhett Krishna daava
Utha…… adhivyadhi

O, Lord, we trouble you with our own problems. Please bear with us, listen to us, and meet us, is Krishna’s (Composer of this portion of aarti) fervent prayer. Arise!… Arise!… Tide over…..

4. BHUPALI- Composed by :: Sant Namdev

Utta Panduranga aataa darash dhya sakala Jzhala arunodaya sarali nidrechi vela

Arise, Pandurang (Viithal, Incarnation of Vishnu, at Pandharpur) now give Darshan (divine vision) to all. It is sunrise, and the time to sleep is past.

Sant sadhu muni avaghe jhaleti ghola Soda sheje sukhe aata bagdu ghya mukha kamala

The saints, sadhus, sages all have gathered. Now leave the comfort of your bed and show us your lotus face.

Rang mandapi mahadwari jzzaalise daati Man utaaveel roop pahawaya drishti.

A big crowd is gathered in the pandal upto the main gate. Everyone is eager at heart to see your handsome face.

Rahee rakhumabai tumha yewoo dya daya Sheje haalawunee jage kara Dev raya

Rahi (Radha surrendered to the incarnation of Saguna avatar of Pandurang), Rakhumabai (Rukmini, consort of Pandurang) have pity on us. Shake the bed a little, so that it wakes up the Lord.

Garud Hanumant ubhe paahatee wat Swargiche surwar ghewuni aale bobhat

Garud and Hanumant are standing and waiting. The gods and goddesses are singing. And acclaiming your glory.

Zhale muktha dwar laabha zhala rokada Vishnudas naama ubha ghewooni kakada.

The doors have opened and we have received the unparalleled reward of your Darshan. Vishnu’s devoted slave Nama is standing with the Kakda (Kindled cloth wicks wrapped around wooden sticks).

5. ABHANG Aarti with Five-Wick Lamp - Composed by :: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Ghewuniya panchaarati, karoo Babansi aarati Utta utta ho bandhawa. Owaaloo ha Ramadhava.

Taking the five-wick lamp, I do Baba’s Arati. Sai’s Aarti. I do Baba’s Aarti.
Wake up! Wake up! Oh my brethren. Let us offer Aarti to Rakhmadhava (Consort of Ram i.e. Vishnu). Sai Ramadhava. Let us do Arati to Rakhmadhava.

Karooniya sthira man, pahu gambhirira he dhyan Sayeeche he dhyan pahu gambhirira he dhyan

With concentration, let us see a glimpse of the meditative figure. Let us see a glimpse of Sai’s meditative figure. Let us have an exalted glimpse of the meditative figure

Krishnanatha Datt Sai jado chitta tujze payee Chitta Deva paayee Jado chitta tuzhe paayee

Krishna-Natha! Datta Sai! Enjoin our minds to your feet. Lord, to your feet enjoin our minds. Enjoin our minds to your feet.

6. KAKAD AARTI - Composed by:: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Kaakad aarati kareeto Sainatha deva Chinmaya roop daakhavee ghewuni balak laghu seva

Let me do Kaakad Aarti, in the early morning hours, O Lord Sainath! Show me your pure, intelligent and handsome form, and accept this insignificant service from me, your child.

Kaam krodh mad matsar aattunee kaakada kela airagyache toop ghaaluni mee to bhijaveela

I have compressed and entwined lust, anger, ego, envy and made them into a wick for the lamp; and soaked it into the ghee (clear butter) of asceticism that I have poured.

Sainath Guru bakti jwalane to mee petawila ad vryitti jaluni guroo ne prakash paadila
Dwaita tama naasooni milavi tatswaroopi jeewa hinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….

I have lit it with the spark of devotion for Sainath Guru(Master).. After burning up the vices, the Guru has shed the light on me. Destroy the darkness of duality and merge me in thy Self.
Show me ……. I do Arati…….. Show me………..

Bhoochar khechar vyaapooni awaghe hritkamali raahasee tochi dattaadev tu shridi raahuni paawasee
Rahooni yethe anayatrahitoo baktaastava dhavasee rasooniyaa sankata daasaa anubhawa daavisee
Na kale twalleelahee konyaa devaa waaa maanavaa Chinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….

Pervading the entire universe, you also make your abode in every living being’s heart. You are also the Datta deity, who lives in Shirdi and blesses us. Though you abide at Shirdi, you also race elsewhere for the sake of your devotees. After obliterating every trace of their troubles you give your devotees your experiences. Neither the gods nor human beings can understand your divine play (Leela).
Show me ……. I do Arati …… Show me…..

Twat yasha dundubheene saare ambar he kondale Sagun murti paahanyaa aatur jan Shirdee aale
Proshuni twadvachanaamrita aamuche dehabhaan haarpale Sodooniyaa durabhimaan maanas twaccharanee waahile
Kripa karooniya Sai maawle daas padari ghyaawaa Chinmaya …. Kaakad…. Aarati….

The sky and all the ten-directions of the earth are reverberating with your praises, sung by the devotees, which resound like the beating of the drums. Eager persons have come to Shirdi to behold your godly form. They have become oblivious of their own selves after drinking the nectar-like words of your advice. Leaving aside their pride and their jealousies, they have surrendered at your feet. Have mercy, and keep me, as a slave, close to you, O Mother Sai. Show me ……. I do Arati …… Show me…..

7. KAKAD AARTI - Composed by :: Sant Tukaram Maharaj

Bhaktaachiya potee bodh kaakada jyoti Pancha prana jeevebhave owaaloo aarthi
Owaaloo aaratee maajyza pandhareenaatha majyza Sainathaa Donhi kara jodonee charanee ttevilaa mathaa

Born of devotion, the light of perception is the lamp for this dawn Aarti. I do Aarti with my entire being, my mind and fervent faith. Refrain :
I do Arati, O my Pandharinatha, O my Sainatha (Vithal or Vithoba) and with folded hands, I lay my head at your feet.

Kaay mahima varnoo aataa sangane kitee Kotee brahma haiyaa makha pahataa jaatee

How shall I describe your greatness? Who can extol it? Even the tremendous sin of killing a thousand brahmins is washed away by your mere darshan.

Rahee rakhmaabaayee ubhya doghee do baahee Mayur pincha chaamara dhaaliti thaayee che thaayee

Rahi (Radha, surrendered to the incarnation of Saguna Avatar of Pandurang) and Rakhumabai (Rukmini, consort of Pandurang) are standing on either side, and are fanning the Lord with Chamaras (whisks for flies) of peacock feathers.

Tuka mhane deep ghewuni unmaneet shobhaa Vittevaree ubha dise laawanya gaabhaa. Owaaloo aaratee …

Tuka says, with a lamp in his hand and absorbed in divine contemplation: The beautiful image, standing on the brick, has a divine splendour.

8. PADH - Composed by :: Sant Namadev

Utta utta saadhu sant aapulale hit Jaaeel jaaeel ha nardeh mag kaincha bhagawant

Wake up, saints and sages. Achieve your own welfare. The human body is perishing every moment. After it is gone we can never achieve realisation.

Uttoniya pahaante baba ubha ase vitte Charan tayaache gomate amrit drishti awalokaa

After waking up in the early morning, Baba is standing on the brick. Behold His lotus feet and His immortal glance.

Utta utta ho vegesee chalaa jaawoonya raawulaasee Jalatil patakaanchya raashi kaakad aarati dekhliyaa

Wake up! Wake up! Let us go quickly to the Lord’s palace (The Temple). The heaps of sins that we sinners have committed will be burnt, by merely seeing Kaakad Aarti.

Jaage karaa rukhminivar, dev aahe nijasuraant Vege limbalon karaa drisht hoeel tayasee

Awaken Rukmani’s Lord (Krishna)! The Lord is lost in Himself. We must ward off the evil eye quickly, with lemon and salt, lest he is troubled.

Daaree waajantree vaajatee dhol damaame garijatee Hote kaakad aarati maazhyaa Sadguru rayaanchee

They are playing different instruments. Drums and Shehnai (Indian Clarion) resonate at the entrance. With all this the Kakad-aarti of my beloved, revered Lord is taking place.

Simhanaad shankabheree aanand hoto mahaa dwaaree Keshawaraaj vittewaree naamaa charan vandito

The blowing of the conch, is like the roaring of the Lion. There is rejoicing at the main gate. Nama adores the feet of the Lord Keshavraj (Vishnu or Vithal), who is standing on the brick.

8. BHAJAN - Composed by :: Smt. Raghunath Savitri Tendulkar

Sainath Guru maajhe aaee Majlaa thaav dhyaavaa paayeen
Datta raaja Guru majhe aaee Majlaa thaav dhyaavaa paayeen

Sainathguru, my mother! Grant me a place at your feet! Dattaraj guru, my mother! Grant me a place at your feet! Shri Sachchidanand (Brahma, the Supreme and All-Sustaining Essence - in other words, Truth, Consciousness, Everlasting Bliss) Sadguru Sainath Maharaj! Hail to Thee!

9. SAINATH PHABHATASTAK - Composed by :: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhisma

Prabhaat samayeen nabhaa shubh ravi prabha phaankalee Smare guru sadaa ashaa samayin tya chhale naa kalee
Monhoni kar jodoonee karoon ataa Guru praarthanaa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

It is dawn and the auspicious rays of the sun are radiating over the sky. Whosover meditates on the Guru at this time cannot be harmed by the pitfalls of Kaliyug (The dark and troublesome Age of present). Therefore, with folded hands, let us now pray to the Guru. May the Samarth (Powerful) Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Tamaa nirasi bhaanu ha Guruhi naasi agnyaanataa Parantu Suruchee karaa na ravihee kadhee saamyathaa
Punhaa thimir janm ghe Gurukrupeni agnaan naa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

As the sun dispels the darkness, the Guru destroys ignorance. But the sun cannot really be ever compared to the Guru, because darkness gathers again after the sun is set; but, once the Guru blesses, ignorance never re-appears. May the Samarath Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Ravi pragat howuni twarita ghaalawee aalasaa Tasa guruhi sodawee sakal dushkriti laalasaa
Haroni abhimaanahee jadwi tatpadee bhavanaa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

As soon as the sun rises we shake off our lethargies. Similarly, the Guru removes all evil desires or tendencies and, by vanquishing our egotism, feelings of reverence are inculcated at his feet. May the Samarth (Powerful) Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Guroosi upama dise vidhi hareeharaanchi unee Kuttoni mag yeie tee kavaniyaa ugee paahunee
Tuzheech upama tulaa baravi shobhate sajjanaa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

If we compare the Guru with Brahma, or Harihar (MahaVishnu or Sadashiv), the Guru is mightier. Then why does this comparison come to my mind as an unwanted visitor? O Guru, your excellence cannot have resemblance to any being other than you. May the Samarth (Powerful) Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Samaadhi uthroniyaa Guru chalaa mashidee kade Twadeeya vachnokti tee madhur vaaritee saankhade
Ajaataripu Sadguro akhil pathkaa bhanjanaa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

Now, come out of your meditations, O Guru, and come to the mosque, so that your sweet words may destroy the devotees’ difficulties. You are devoid of any enemies. O, revered Guru, you are gentle and yet you are the destroyer of all the evil in the world. May the Samarth (Powerful) Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Ahaa susamayaasi yaa Guru uttoniyaa baisale Vilokuni padaashrithaa tadiya aapade naasile
Asaa suhithkaaree yaa jagati konihee anya naa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

Ah! At the auspicious time the Guru is awakened and is sitting up. With a glance at those who are sitting at his feet, he destroys their difficulties. There is not another such well-wisher in this world! May the Samarth (Powerful) Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Asa bahut shaahanaaa pari na jyaa Guroochi kripaa Na tatswahit tyaa kalae karitase rikamya gapaa
Jari Gurupada dhari sudhrid bhaktineh tho manaa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

However wise a person is if he does not have the Guru’s blessings, he cannot understand what is good for his welfare and can only indulge in mere prattle. If he just firmly holds the Guru’s feet with concentrated devotion. May the Samarth (Powerful) Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Guro vinati mee karee hridayamandiree yaa basaa Samasth jag he guruswaroopee ttaso maanasaa
Ghado satat sathkrutee matihi deh jagatjpaavanaa Samartha Guru Sainath puravee manovaasanaa

O, Guru, I entreat you to make your abode in the temple of my heart. Stamp upon my mind that the whole world is the image of my Guru. O Lord! Mould me and give me the power and intelligence, so that I always have the desire to do good deeds. May the Samarth (Powerful) Guru Sainath fulfil our desires.

Preme yaa asthakaashi paduni Guruvaraa Praarthitee je prabhaatee Tyaanche chittasee deto akhilharooniyaan
Braanti mee nitya shaantee Aise he Sainathe kathuneesuchvileh jevee yaa baalakaasee
Tevee tyaa Krishnapaayee namuni Savinayeh arpito ashtakaasee

Those who read the above eight verses with love and devotion for the Guru’s morning prayers, I remove from their mind all their misgivings and grant them total peace of mind” – this was told to me, by Sainath, as one tells to his own child. Therefore, I, Krishna bow down to his lotus feet and very humbly dedicate these eight verses to him. Shri Sachchidanand Sadguru Sainath Maharaj! Hail to Thee!

X. PADH - Composed by :: Sri Dasganu Maharaj

Sai raham nazar karnaa Bachonkaa paalan karnaa Sai raham nazar karnaa Bachonkaa paalan karnaa

Sai, look at us mercifully, and take care of your children. Sai, look at us mercifully, and take care of your children.

Jaanaatumneh jagat pasaaraa Sabahee jzhoott jamaanaa Jaanaatumneh jagat pasaaraa Sabahee jzhoott jamaanaa Sai raham…

You know this mundane world, this world full of illusion. You know this mundane world, this world full of illusion. : Sai:

Mein andhaa hoon bandaa aabkaa Mujhse prabhu dikhlaanaa Mein andhaa hoon bandaa aabkaa Mujhse prabhu dikhlaanaa Sai raham…

I am blind and ignorant devotee of yours, give me God’s vision. I am blind and ignorant devotee of yours, give me God’s vision. : Sai:

Daas ganu kahe ab kyaa boloo Thak gayi meree rasnaa. Daas Ganu kahe ab kyaa boloo Thak gayi meree rasnaa. Sai raham…

Das Ganu says : What shall I say now? My tongue fails me : Das Ganu says : What shall I say now?
My tongue fails me : Sai:

X. PADH - Composed by :: Sri Dasganu Maharaj

Raham nazar karo, ab more Sayee Tumbin naheen mujze maa baap bhaayee
Raham nazar karo Raham nazar karo

Look at me mercifully, O my Sai, without you I have no one – no mother, no father, no brother.
Look at me mercifully.
Look at me mercifully, O my Sai, without you I have no one – no mother, no father, no brother.
Look at me mercifully.

Mein andhaa hoon banda tumhaaraa Mein andhaa hoon banda tumhaaraa
Mein naa jaanoon Mein naa jaanoon Mein naa jaanoon Allaah ilaahee Raham ....

I am blind and ignorant devotee of yours , I am blind and ignorant devotee of yours :
I know nothing , I know nothing , I know nothing of God or the rites. Look at me mercifully...

Khalee jamaanaa meineh gamaayaa Khalee jamaanaa meineh gamaayaa
Saathee aakhar kaa Saathee aakhar kaa Saathee aakhar kaa kiyaa na koyee Raham ....

I have wasted my whole life, I have wasted my whole life
and made no lasting friend, and made no lasting friend, and made no lasting friend for the final journey.
Look at me mercifully …..

Apne maszhid ka zhaadoo Ganoo hai Apne maszhid ka zhaadoo Ganoo hai
Maalik hamaare Maalik hamaare Maalik hamaare tum Baabaa Sayee Raham ....

I, Ganu, am the broom of your mosque, I, Ganu, am the broom of your mosque
And you, Baba Sai, you are our Lord, And you, Baba Sai, you are our Lord, And you, Baba Sai, you are our Lord. Look at me mercifully……..

XII. PADH - Composed by :: Sant Jana Bai

Tujze kai devoon Saawalyaa mee khaayaa taree hoo Tujze kai devoon Sadguru mee khaayaa taree
Mee dubalee batik Naamyaachee jaan Shreeharee Mee dubalee batik Naamyaachee jaan Shreeharee

O, Sawalya (Krishna, the swarthy one) what shall I give you to eat? O Sadguru, what shall I give you to eat? Shri Hari knows that I am a powerless slave, working for Nama. Shri Hari knows that I am a powerless slave working for Nama.

Uchishta tulaa denen hee ghosht naa baree hoo Uchishta tulaa denen hee ghosht naa baree
Toon jagannaath tujze deoon kashire bhaakaree Toon jagannaath tujze deoon kashire bhaakaree

It is not proper to give you what is left over. You are the Lord of the universe. How can I give you just a Bhakri? (Circular thick flat bread eaten mostly by the rural folk)
It is not proper to give you what is left over. You are the Lord of the universe. How can I give you just a Bhakri? (Circular thick flat bread eaten mostly by the rural folk)

Nako ant madeeya pahoon sakhya bhagwantaa, Shrikaantaa Maadhyaahnraatra vultoni gaelee hee aatan aan chittaa

Don’t put me to the test oh, my life time companion and friend, God, Shrikanta (Vishnu), bear in mind, it is long past midnight.

Ja hoieel tujha re kaakadaa hee raolaantaree hoo Ja hoieel tujha re kaakadaa hee raolaantaree
Aanateel bhakt naivedya hi naanaaparee Aanateel bhakt naivedya hi naanaaparee

Go, your Kakad Arati will start soon in the temple; and, at that time, your devotees will bring different types of Naivedya (Offerings to the Deity usually comprising milk, sugar, sweetmwats, fruits or cooked food etc.). O Sawalya …

XIII. PADH - Composed by:: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Shreesadguru Baabaa Saayee hoo Shreesadguru Baabaa Saayee Tujh waanchuni aashraya naahi bhutalee, Tujh waanchuni aashraya naahi bhutalee

O, Sadguru, Baba Sai, O, Sadguru, Baba Sai, Without you there is no refuge in this world. Without you there is no refuge in this world.

Mee paapee patit dheemanda hoo Mee paapee patit dheemanda Taarane malaa Gurunathaa jhadkari Taarane malaa Sainathaa jhadkari

I am a sinner, disgraced, and ignorant. I am a sinner, disgraced, and ignorant. O, save me, Gurunatha, without delay. O, save me, Sainatha, without delay

Toon shaantikshamechaa meroo hoo Toon shaantikshamechaa meroo
Toon bhavaarnaveeche taaru Guruvaraa Toon bhavaarnaveeche taaru Guruvaraa

O you are the highest mountain of peace and forgiveness. O you are the mountain of peace and forgiveness. You are the boat that ferries us across this mundane existence. You are the boat that ferries us across this mundane existence.

Guruvaraa majzasi paamaraa ataan udharaa Tvarit lavlaahee tvarit lavlaahee
Mee budato bhavbhaya dohee udharaa Mee budato bhavbhaya dohee udharaa Shreesadguru Baabaa......

Guruvara, Now give salvation to this sinner. Guruvara, Now give salvation to this sinner.
Save me fast, as I am drowning in the deepest waters of worldly anxieties. Save me fast, as I am drowning in the deepest waters of worldly anxieties Shri Sadguru…….

Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai

Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Aum Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaj! Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai!

Aum! King of Kings! King of Yogis! Absolute Brahman! Sainath Maharaj! Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!


Madhyan Aarathi

Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai

Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

1. ABHANG Aarti with Five-Wick Lamp - Composed by :: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Ghewuniya panchaarati, karoo Babansi aarati Karoo Sai see aarati Karoo Babansi arati.

Holding the five-wick lamp, I do Baba’s Aarti. Sai’s Aarti. I do Baba’s Aarti.

Utta utta ho bandhawa. Owaaloo ha Ramadhava. Sayee Ramadhava. Owaloo ha Ramadhava.

Rise! Rise! Oh my brethren. Let us do Aarti for Ramadhava (Consort of Ram the incarnation of Lord Vishnu). Sai Ramadhava. I do Arati for Ramadhava.

Karooniya sthira man, pahu gambhirira he dhyan Sayeeche he dhyan pahu gambhirira he dhyan

Concentrating the mind, let us have a glimpse of the meditative figure, Sai’s meditative figure. Let us have a glimpse of the meditative figure.

Krishnanatha Datt Sai jado chitta tujze payee Chitta Baba paayee Jado chitta tuzhe paayee

Krishna-Natha says oh, Datta (for Lord Dattatreya) Sai! Enjoin our minds to your feet. Lord, to your feet draw our minds. Enjoin our minds to your feet.

2 Arati Sai Baba - Composed By:: Shri Madhavrao Vamanrao Adkar

Aarti Sai Baba, saukhyadaataara jeeva. Charana rajaatalee Dhyaava daasaan visaawaa, bhaktaa visaawaa. Aarti Sai Baba

We do Aarti to Sai Baba, the soul that and the giver of happiness to all. Give refuge to the downtrodden devotees who are at your feet. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Jaaluniyaan aananng swaswaroopee raahe dhanga Mumukshu janaan daavee nija dolaan Sreeranga, dolaan Sreeranga Aarti Sai Baba

Burn the desires. To the seekers of Self, teach them the way to get Moksha (state of pure bliss). With their own eyes they see the Lord Vishnu (Sriranga). We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.
Jayaa manee jaisaa bhaava tayaa taisaa anubhava Daawisee dayaaghanaa aisee tujzee hee maava tujzeeheemaava Aarti Sai Baba
You grant suitable experiences to everybody in accordance with their Faith and devotion. O, merciful one, such is your way.O kind one. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Tumache naama dhyaataan hare sansrithi vyathaa Agaadha tava karanee maarga daawisee anaadhaa,daawisee anaadhaa Aarti Sai Baba

Meditation of your name removes the worldly sufferings. Your actions are unfathomable. Show the path to unfortunate ones. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Kaliyugee avataara saguna parabrahm saachara Avateerna jhaalase swami Datta digambara, Datta digambara Aarti Sai Baba

In this age of Kaliyug (The dark and troublsome age of present ), you are true incarnation of Brahama, that has taken form and descended on this earth. You are also Swami Datta digambar (Three-headed diety who is considered as combined incarnation of Brahma-Vishnu-Maheh). Datta digambar.We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Aattan divasaan guruwaaree bhakta karitee waaree Prabhupada pahaavayaa bhavabhaya niwaree, bhaya niwaree Aarti Sai Baba:

On Thursdays,every week, the devotees take a trip (to Shirdi), to have a glimpse of the Lord’s feet and to avert their worldly fears. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.
Maajan nija dravya tteewaa tav charan rajasevaa Maagane hechiyaataa tumhan devaadhideva, Devaadhideva Aarti Sai Baba
The only wealth I desire is to serve at thy feet. O Lord of Lords. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Ichchita deena chaatak nirmala toya nijasookha Paajaawe maadhavaa yaa saambhal aapulee bhaaka, aapulee bhaaka Aarti ...

Just as the chatak bird desires to drink pure raw water , so O Lord! And kindly give me your assurance (that I will receive such direct knowledge). We do Aarti ....

3. Arati - Composed By:: Shri Krishna Jogiswar Bhishma

Jaya Deva Jaya Deva Datta avadhutaa, O Sayee avadhutaa Jodoonikara tava charanee ttevito maathaa, Jaya Deva Jaya Dev

Hail Lord! Datta Avadhuta! (a divine Incarnation) O Sai Avadhuta! With my folded hands, I place my head at your feet. Hail Lord! Hail Lord!

Avataraseen too yaetaan dharmaante glanee, Naastheekaanaahee too laavisi nijabhajanee
Daavisi naanaa leela asankhya roopaanee, Harisee dheenanche too sankata dinarajanee Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…

You take Avatar (Incarnation) when Dharma (purity and righteousness) declines; Even the non-believers devolopfaith in you. Showing many types of Leelas (Graces) in your innumerable forms; you remove the miseries of your devotees, day and night. Hail Lord…

Yavana swaroopee aikhyaa darshana twaan dhidhale, Samsaya nirsuniyaan thathdwaitaa ghaalavile
Gopichandaa mandaa twaanchee uddharile, Momina vamsee janmuni lokaan taariyale Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…

You gave Darshan (divine vision) to someone in the guice of Moslem. By removing all doubts, you set him on the path leading towards the unity with the Self. Even Raja Gopichanda and the river Mandakini (Ganges) were purified by you. Born of a Moslem family of weavers you had brought salvation to all the people. Hail Lord Sai…

Bhed na tathwee hindoo yavananchaa kaanhee Daawayaansee jzaalaa punarapi naradehee
Paahasin premaane too Hindu yavanaanhee, Daavisi aatmatwaane vyaapaka haa sayee Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…

You do not distinguish between Hindus and Moslems. In the present human form taken by you, you give the same look of love both to the Hindus and Moslems and establish the universality of your love. Hail Lord Sai…

Devaa Sayeenaathaa twatpadanata vhaahe, paramaayaamohita janamochana jhanin vhaave
Twakripayaa sakalaanche sankata nirasaawe, deshila tari de twadhyash krishnaane gaave Jaya Deva Jaya Deva…

O the Lord Sainatha, I would always like to be at your feet, Liberate the mankind stepped in worldly illusions and remove their difficulties by your grace. If you desire to give me anything, then give Krishna (composer of this portion of Aarti) the ability to sing your prayers. Hail Lord…

4 ABHANG - Composed By:: Shri Dasganu Maharaj

Shirdee maajze Pandharapura Saibaba Ramaavara Baba Ramaavara, Sai Baba Ramaavara

Shirdi is my Pandharpur. Sai Baba is the husband of Rama i.e. Lord Vishnu. Baba is the presiding deity there. Sai…

Shuddha bhaktee chandrabhaabagaa, Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa pundaleeka jaagaa. Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa

Pure devotion is like river Chandrabhaga (River at Pandharpur). Our devotional feelings for Pundalik (Lord Vishnu called Vith al) has awakened.

Yaa ho yaa ho avaghe jana karaa Babaansee vandana. Saisi vandana karoo Babaansee vandana

Come along, all the people. Pray Baba and pray Sai.

Ganu mhane Baba Sayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee paava maajze aayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee

Ganu (Das ganu, the composer of this aarti) requests : Sai Baba to run and give us blessings, My Mother give your blessings.

5 Naman - { A garland of traditional prayers }

Ghaaleena lotaangana vandeen charana Dolyanee paaheen roop tujze Preme aalingana aanande poojin, Bhave oowaalina mhane Naamaa.

Prostrating myself with touch of your feet and see thy beautiful form. Embracing you with love, I worship you, and do your aarti with devotion.

Tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva Tvameva bandhuscha sakhaa tvameva Tvameva vidyaa dravinam tvameva, Tvameva servam mama Devadeva.

You are my mother, my father, my brother, you are my friend. You are knowledge, You are the embodiment of love and tenderness. You are my everything, O! Lord.

Kaayena vaachaa manasrendriyaiarwan Budhyatmanaa vaa prakriti swabhavaat Karomi yadyatsakalam parasmai, Narayanaayeti samarpayaami

My body, my speech, my mind and all my senses, my intellect, my innate being – all these I offer to you, Narayana.

Acyutam Keshavam Raamanaaraayanam Krishnadaamodaram Vaasudevam Harim Shreedharam Maadhavam Gopikaa Vallabham, Jaanakeenaayakam Raamachandram Bhaje.

I pray Achyut, Keshav, Ramnarayan, Krishnadamodar, Vasudev, Hari, Shridhar, Madhav, Gopika-Vallabh, Janaki-Nayakam, Ramachandra. (various names of Vishnu and His incarnations).

Hare Rama, Hare Rama. Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
(This mantra is repeated thrice)

Shri Gurudeva Datta.

6 Mantra Pushpam
Hari Om yagnena yagnamayajanta devaastaani dharmaani prathamaabyaasan Tehanakam mahimaanah sachanta yatra poorve sadhyaa santi Devaah;

Hari Aum.(Invocation of Primordial sound) in the beginning the devas (Celestial beings) worshipped Lord Vishnu by means of a sacrificial fire(yagyan) by such religious deeds they attain greatness in heaven (the abode of the divine, Celestial beings).

Aum rajaadhiraajaaya prasahya saahine namo vayam Vaishravanaaya kurmahe Sa me kaaman kaama kaamaya mahyam kameswaro Vaishravano tathatu. Kuberaraya Vaishravanaaya Mahaaraajaaya namah.

“Aum! Salutation to Vaishravan(Celestial being in heaven incharge of wealth). He is the King of Kings, who is help. May he thy grant me my desires as Vaishravan, the lord of all my desires.

Om swasti saamrajyam bhojyam swaaraajyam vairaajyam, paarameshtyam Raajyam mahaarajya maadhi patya mayam Samantaparyaa yeesyat Saarvabhoumah saarvayushya aantaadaaparaaraadhaat prithivyai Samudraparyanthaayaa ekaraalithi

Aum! Let there be well being! Let he attain universal sovereignty eternelly, enjoyment (of pleasures), independence, perfect detachment, distinction and position of a great king, and supreme Lordship, so that he rules the universe and become the paramount ruler of the whole earth all his life, possessed of longevity and fullness of life, and be the absolute king of the earth streching upto its oceanic shores.

Tadapyesha slokobhigeeto marutah parivestaaro marutah pariveshtaaro maruttasyaavasan gruhe Avikshitasya kamaprer Visvedevaah sabhaa sada ithi

It is a prayer for Marutt, the son of Avikshit excelling in the four qualities of knowledge, righteousness, detachment and longivity - whose abode all Celestial deities visit.

Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya

O! Shri Narayan Vasudev Sachchidananad! Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

7 Namaskaaraastak – Composed by :: Shri Mohani Raj

Anantaa tulaa ten kase re sthavaave, Anantaa tulaa ten kase re namaave
Anantaa mukhaanchaa shine shesh gaataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Even the thousand tounged Shesha(a Hindu mythological snake on whom Lord Vishnu rests) finds it inadequate to sing thy prayers of greatness. I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Smaraave hmanee twatpadaa nitya bhaave, Wurave taree bhaktisaattee swabhaave
Tarave jagaa taarunee maaya taataa,Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Those who remeber your feet everyday with pure devotion and thought, cross over this illussionary world. O! father, I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Vase jo sadaa daavayaa santleela, Dise agna lokaanparee jo janaalaa
Paree antaree gnaana kaiwalya daataa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Appearing like as an ordinary person to the ignorant, he carries on His divine action(Leelas). He is the giver of inner spiritual knowledge and unity with God - I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Baraa laadhalaa janma haa maanvaachaa Naraa saarthakaa saadhaneebhuta saacha
Dharoon Sayeepremaa galaayaa ahantaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

It is a great luck to be born as a human being. Human beings alone can do Sadhna(practices for obtaining purity and liberation). Hold on to the Love of Sai and kill ego. I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Dharave karee saana alpagna baala, Karaave amhaa dhanya chumboni gaalaa
Mukhee gala preme karaa graas aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Hold the hands of ignorant children like us. Bless us with a Kiss on our cheeks, give us love. I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Suraadeeka jyaanchyaa padaa vanditaantee, Sukadeeka jyaante samaanatva detee
Prayagaadi teerthen padee nasmra hotaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Gods and others worship your feet. Say Suka and others treat you as equal. The prayag(confluence of rivers) and holy places bow at your feet - I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Tujhyaa jhya padaa paahtan gopabaalee, Sadaa rangalee chitswaroopee milaalee
Karee raasakreedaa save Krishna naathaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

The Gopis are always delighted to see your feet. They always dance with Krishna-natha having immersed their thoughts in Him. Salutations with prostrations, Shri Sainatha.

Tulaa maahato maagane eka dhyaave, Karaa jodito deena atyanta bhaave
Bhavee mohaneeraaja haa taari aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

I request you to grant me just one boon. I humbly fold my hands, and with deep faith, Mohaniraj (says, the composer of this part of Aarti) asks you: save me from this world of bewitching desires and ferry me across the ocean of existence. Salutations with prostrations, Shri Sainatha.

8. Aisaa eyee baa – A Prayer

Aisaa eyee baa – Sayee digambaraa – Akshyaya roopa avataara
Sarvahi vyapaka too – Shrutisaara – anusayaatrikumaaraa – Aisaa eyee baa!

Such art thou, Sai Baba! Sai Digambara! Incarnation of the imperishible spirit, you are all pervading. You are the knower of the essense of the shrutis (Vedas), belonging to the lineage of the sage Atri and His wife Anusuya.

Kaashee snaana japa – pratidivashee – Kolhapura bhikshesee – nirmala nadi tungaa
Jala praasee – Nidra maahur deshee - Aisaa eyee baa

Everyday, bathing in the Holy waters of the Kashi and worshipping there; then going to Kolhapur for Alms; drinking the pure waters of the Tungabhadra and then sleeping at Mahur province (sleeping place of Lord Datta). Please come like this O! Baba.

Jzholee lombatase vaamakaree – trishoola damaroo dhari
Bhakta varada sadaa sukhakaaree Deseel mukti charee - Aisaa eyee baa

A ‘Jholi’ (bag for alms hanging from the shoulder) hanging on the left-shoulder, and carrying the trident ‘damru’ (kind of tabor) you bless the devotees with permanent happiness, granting them four-fold liberation viz. Resemblance to God, nearness to God, residing with the deity and absorption into the essense of Brahman. Please come like this O! Baba.

Paayee paadukaa japamaala – kamandaloo – Mrigacchalaa – dhaarana kariseebaa
Naagajataa – Mukuta sobhato maathaa - Aisaa eyee baa

Wearing wooden sandals, carrying Jap Mala (prayer beeds) Kamandalu (Container of water), wearing deer skin; on your head is the crown of serpent-like coiled tresses of your hair, which looks beautiful. Please come like this O! Baba.

Tatpara tujyaa je dhyaanee – akshyaya Thyaanche sadhanee – Lakshmeevasa karee
Dinarajanee – Rakshisi sankat vaaruni - Aisaa eyee baa

All those who meditate on you diligently have Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, dwelling in their homes, day and night uninterruptedly (Lakshmi, otherwise is fleet-floated and does not stay in one place for a long time). You also protect them by removing all their difficulties. Please come like this O! Baba.

Yaa pari dhyaana tujze gururaayaa – Drishya karee nayanaan yaa
Poornaananda sukhe hee kaayaa – Laavise hariguna gaayaa - Aisaa eyee….

When I behold you in my eyes and your handsome figure, Gururaya, I experience complete bliss and please make me sing the Lord’s praises. Please come like this O! Baba. (Whole refrain)

9. Shri Sainatha Mahimna Strotrama – Composed BY :: Shri Upasani Baba Maharaj
Sadaa satswaroopam chidaananda kandam Jagat sambhavasthaana samhaara hetum
Swabhaktechhayaa maanusham darsayantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is Truth Incarnate and is always in Consciousness and Bliss; the God who is the cause of creation, existence and destruction of the world; and, who has come in to this world in a human form for the sake of his own devotees.

Bhavadwaantha vidhwamsa maarthaanda meeddyam manovaagateetam munir dhyana gamyam
Jagadvyapakam nirmalam nirgunam twaam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is the bright sun whose light destroys the darkness of worldly desires; who is beyond the realm of speech and mind, but accessible to the sages who are engrossed in Thy meditation – One who pervades the whole world, pure and devoid of all attributes.

Bhawaambhodi magnaarthitaanaam lanaanaam Swapaadaasritaanaam swabhakti priyaanaam
Samuddhaaranaartham kalow sambhavantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who has manifested in this kaliyug (The dark and the troublesome age of present) for the salvation of those who believe in devotion to Him and those who have taken refuge at his feet as they are drowning and tormented by the ocean of worldliness.

Sadaa nimba vrikshasya mooladhivaasaat Sudhaasravinam tiktamapya priyantam
Tarum kalpa vrikshaadhikam saadhayantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath who, By His constant abode under the margosa tree, whose juice though by nature is bitter and distasteful, has turned it nectar-like sweet, because He has exalted the tree above the legendary Kalpavriksh (the wish-fulfilling tree)

Sadaa kalpavrikshyasya tasyaadhi mole Bhawadbhava budhyaa saparyaadisevaam
Nrinaam kurwataam bhukti mukti pradantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, whom people go to worship and render devotional services, knowing Him to be Himself the kalpavriksh always; for those people he satisfies their worldly desires and grants them salvation

Anekaashrutaa tarkya leelaa vilaasaeih Samaavishkruteshaana bhaasvat prabhaavam
Ahambhaava heenam prasannathma bhaawam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, whose innumerable and wonderful Leelas(divine play), unheard of and unimagined, have displayed His divine splenderous glory; yet who is devoid of ego and is happily absorbed in the Self.

Sataam Vishramaaraama mevaabhiraamam sadaa sajjanaih samsthutam sannamadbhih
Janaamodadam bhakta bhadrapradantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is the perennial abode of rest, repose and refuge for the virtuous people and to whom praises are directed by good and pious persons- He who is the bestower of happiness and welfare to His devotees.

Ajanmaadhyamekam param brahma saakshaat Swayam sambhavam raamamevaavateernam
Bhawadharshanaathsam puneetah praboham Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is the Self-manifested, the Absolute Brahman, verily the Supreme Creator Incarnate, the Being without beginning or end, who has descended on this earth in the Ram avatar (Incarnation). O lord, I have been sanctified by your darshan.

Sree Sayeesa kripaanidhe akhilanrinaam sarwaartha siddhi prada Yushmatpaadarajah prabahavamatulam dhaataapi vaktaakshhamah Sadbhakthyaa saranam kritaan jali putah samprapthithosmi prabho Shrimath Sayi paresa paada kamalaa naanya ccharanyam mama

O Lord Sai, treasure-house of mercy, the bestower of all wealth, success and inspiration, even the creator is unable to describe the incomparable power of the dust of your feet. With my folded hands and true devotion, I surrender to you O Lord. There is no refuge for me, except the lotus feet of Shrimat Sainath, the Lord.

Sayiroopadhara raaghavottamam, Bhakta kaama vibhuda dhrumam prabhum Maayayopahata chitta shudhayae, Chintayaamyahamaharnisam mudaa

Lord Sai is the avatar of Raghav (Incarnation of Ram), the Lord who fulfils the desires of His devotees for the purification of their infatuated and deluded hearts and minds – to whom I pray, day and night, untiringly and blissfully.

Sharat sudhaamsu pratrima prakaasam, kripatapaatram tava Sainaatha Twadeeya paadaabja samaashritaanaam, Swachhaayayaa taapamapaa karothu

Lord Sainath, the canopy of your mercy is like the intense lusture of the autumn moon. Grant the cool shade (from that canopy) from the blazing heat of the three-fold calamities of life to those who have taken shelter at your feet.

Upaasanaa Daivata Sainaatha, Sthavairmayopaasaninaasthu sthatwam Ramenmaromne tava paadayugme bhrungo, Yathaabji makarmda lubdhah

Lord Sainath you are my God, whom I worship. I extol your praises. Let my mind dwell lovingly at your lotus feet, just as the bee hovers over the lotus flowers enticed by the desire of honey.

Aneka janmaarjita paapasamkshayo, Bhavet bhawatpaada saroja darshanaat Kshamaswa sarvaanaparaadha poonjakaan, praseeda Sayeesa Sadguro dayaanidhe

Lord Sai, Guru Ocean of compassion, bless me and pardon me for all my innumerable faults. May my boundless sins which have accumulated over several cycles of life be destroyed by the darshan of your feet

Sri Sainatha charanaamrita putachithaah, Sthwatpaada seva natrataah satatamcha bhaktyaa Samsaara janya duritaagha vinirgataaste, kaivalya dhaama paramam samavaapnuvanti

Those whose minds become purified by the nectar of tirth (Water deemed to be Holy from the washings of Lord’s feet) of Shri Sainath, those who are constantly absorbed in His service with – devotion they get freed from the distress caused by worldliness and attain salvation.

Strotrame tatpatte bhakthyaa yonara athanmanaahsadaa Sadguroh Sainaadhasya kripa paatram bhaveddhruham.

Whosoever always recites this hymn with devotion and absorption will certainly be the recepeint of the grace of Sadguru until he lives.

Karacharanakritam vaakkaayajam karmajam vaa Shravananayanajam vaa maanasam vaaparadham
Viditamaviditam vaa sarvame tatshkamasva

For the sins done by the hands and the feet, by the toungue and the body, or by the ears and the eyes, or those done in thought, or any other follies, known or unknown - for all these, forgive me.

Jaya Jaya karunaabdhe shri pabho sainaatha.

Let us Hail ! Hail! O compassionate one, Shri Prabhu Sainath!

Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki

Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Aum Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaaj Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai!

Aum! King of Kings! King of Yogis! Absolute Brahman! Sainath Maharaj! Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Dhoop Aarathi

1 Arati Sai Baba - Composed By:: Shri Madhavrao Vamanrao Adkar

Aarti Sai Baba, saukhyadaataara jeeva. Charana rajaatalee Dhyaava daasaan visaawaa, bhaktaa visaawaa. Aarti Sai Baba

We do Aarti to Sai Baba, the soul that and the giver of happiness to all. Give refuge to the downtrodden devotees who are at your feet. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Jaaluniyaan aananng swaswaroopee raahe dhanga Mumukshu janaan daavee nija dolaan Sreeranga, dolaan Sreeranga Aarti Sai Baba

Burn the desires. To the seekers of Self, teach them the way to get Moksha (state of pure bliss). With their own eyes they see the Lord Vishnu (Sriranga). We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Jayaa manee jaisaa bhaava tayaa taisaa anubhava Daawisee dayaaghanaa aisee tujzee hee maava tujzeeheemaava Aarti Sai Baba

You grant suitable experiences to everybody in accordance with their Faith and devotion. O, merciful one, such is your way.O kind one. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Tumache naama dhyaataan hare sansrithi vyathaa Agaadha tava karanee maarga daawisee anaadhaa,daawisee anaadhaa Aarti Sai Baba

Meditation of your name removes the worldly sufferings. Your actions are unfathomable. Show the path to unfortunate ones. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Kaliyugee avataara saguna parabrahm saachara Avateerna jhaalase swami Datta digambara, Datta digambara Aarti Sai Baba

In this age of Kaliyug (The dark and troublsome age of present ), you are true incarnation of Brahama, that has taken form and descended on this earth. You are also Swami Datta digambar (Three-headed diety who is considered as combined incarnation of Brahma-Vishnu-Maheh). Datta digambar.We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Aattan divasaan guruwaaree bhakta karitee waaree Prabhupada pahaavayaa bhavabhaya niwaree, bhaya niwaree Aarti Sai Baba:

On Thursdays,every week, the devotees take a trip (to Shirdi), to have a glimpse of the Lord’s feet and to avert their worldly fears. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Maajan nija dravya tteewaa tav charan rajasevaa Maagane hechiyaataa tumhan devaadhideva, Devaadhideva Aarti Sai Baba

The only wealth I desire is to serve at thy feet. O Lord of Lords. We do Aarti to you Sai Baba.

Ichchita deena chaatak nirmala toya nijasookha Paajaawe maadhavaa yaa saambhal aapulee bhaaka, aapulee bhaaka Aarti ...

Just as the chatak bird desires to drink pure raw water , so O Lord! And kindly give me your assurance (that I will receive such direct knowledge). We do Aarti ....

2. ABHANG - Composed By:: Shri Dasganu Maharaj

Shirdee maajze Pandharapura Saibaba Ramaavara Baba Ramaavara, Sai Baba Ramaavara

Shirdi is my Pandharpur. Sai Baba is the husband of Rama i.e. Lord Vishnu. Baba is the presiding deity there. Sai…

Shuddha bhaktee chandrabhaabagaa, Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa pundaleeka jaagaa. Bhaava pundaleeka jaagaa

Pure devotion is like river Chandrabhaga (River at Pandharpur). Our devotional feelings for Pundalik (Lord Vishnu called Vithal) has awakened.

Yaa ho yaa ho avaghe jana karaa Babaansee vandana. Saisi vandana karoo Babaansee vandana

Come along, all the people. Pray Baba and pray Sai.

Ganu mhane Baba Sayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee paava maajze aayee. Dhaava paava maajze aayee

Ganu (Das ganu, the composer of this aarti) requests : Sai Baba to run and give us blessings, My Mother give your blessings.

3 Naman { A garland of traditional prayers }

Ghaaleena lotaangana vandeen charana Dolyanee paaheen roop tujze Preme aalingana aanande poojin, Bhave oowaalina mhane Naamaa.

Prostrating myself with touch of your feet and see thy beautiful form. Embracing you with love, I worship you, and do your aarti with devotion.

Tvameva maataa cha pitaa tvameva Tvameva bandhuscha sakhaa tvameva Tvameva vidyaa dravinam tvameva, Tvameva servam mama Devadeva.

You are my mother, my father, my brother, you are my friend. You are knowledge, You are the embodiment of love and tenderness. You are my everything, O! Lord.

Kaayena vaachaa manasrendriyaiarwan Budhyatmanaa vaa prakriti swabhavaat Karomi yadyatsakalam parasmai, Narayanaayeti samarpayaami

My body, my speech, my mind and all my senses, my intellect, my innate being – all these I offer to you, Narayana.

Acyutam Keshavam Raamanaaraayanam Krishnadaamodaram Vaasudevam Harim Shreedharam Maadhavam Gopikaa Vallabham, Jaanakeenaayakam Raamachandram Bhaje.

I pray Achyut, Keshav, Ramnarayan, Krishnadamodar, Vasudev, Hari, Shridhar, Madhav, Gopika-Vallabh, Janaki-Nayakam, Ramachandra. (various names of Vishnu and His incarnations).

Hare Rama, Hare Rama. Rama Rama Hare Hare Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. Krishna Krishna Hare Hare.
(This mantra is repeated thrice)

Shri Gurudeva Datta.

4 Namaskaaraastak – Composed by :: Shri Mohani Raj

Anantaa tulaa ten kase re sthavaave, Anantaa tulaa ten kase re namaave
Anantaa mukhaanchaa shine shesh gaataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Even the thousand tounged Shesha(a Hindu mythological snake on whom Lord Vishnu rests) finds it inadequate to sing thy prayers of greatness. I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Smaraave hmanee twatpadaa nitya bhaave, Wurave taree bhaktisaattee swabhaave
Tarave jagaa taarunee maaya taataa,Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Those who remeber your feet everyday with pure devotion and thought, cross over this illussionary world. O! father, I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Vase jo sadaa daavayaa santleela, Dise agna lokaanparee jo janaalaa
Paree antaree gnaana kaiwalya daataa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Appearing like as an ordinary person to the ignorant, he carries on His divine action(Leelas). He is the giver of inner spiritual knowledge and unity with God - I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Baraa laadhalaa janma haa maanvaachaa Naraa saarthakaa saadhaneebhuta saacha
Dharoon Sayeepremaa galaayaa ahantaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

It is a great luck to be born as a human being. Human beings alone can do Sadhna(practices for obtaining purity and liberation). Hold on to the Love of Sai and kill ego. I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Dharave karee saana alpagna baala, Karaave amhaa dhanya chumboni gaalaa
Mukhee gala preme karaa graas aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Hold the hands of ignorant children like us. Bless us with a Kiss on our cheeks, give us love. I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Suraadeeka jyaanchyaa padaa vanditaantee, Sukadeeka jyaante samaanatva detee
Prayagaadi teerthen padee nasmra hotaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

Gods and others worship your feet. Say Suka and others treat you as equal. The prayag(confluence of rivers) and holy places bow at your feet - I prostrate and salute your O! Sainath.

Tujhyaa jhya padaa paahtan gopabaalee, Sadaa rangalee chitswaroopee milaalee
Karee raasakreedaa save Krishna naathaa, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

The Gopis are always delighted to see your feet. They always dance with Krishna-natha having immersed their thoughts in Him. Salutations with prostrations, Shri Sainatha.

Tulaa maahato maagane eka dhyaave, Karaa jodito deena atyanta bhaave
Bhavee mohaneeraaja haa taari aataan, Namaskaar saashtaang Shri Sainaatha.

I request you to grant me just one boon. I humbly fold my hands, and with deep faith, Mohaniraj (says, the composer of this part of Aarti) asks you: save me from this world of bewitching desires and ferry me across the ocean of existence. Salutations with prostrations, Shri Sainatha.

5 Aisaa eyee baa – A Prayer

Aisaa eyee baa – Sayee digambaraa – Akshyaya roopa avataara
Sarvahi vyapaka too – Shrutisaara – anusayaatrikumaaraa – Aisaa eyee baa!

Such art thou, Sai Baba! Sai Digambara! Incarnation of the imperishible spirit, you are all pervading. You are the knower of the essense of the shrutis (Vedas), belonging to the lineage of the sage Atri and His wife Anusuya.

Kaashee snaana japa – pratidivashee – Kolhapura bhikshesee – nirmala nadi tungaa
Jala praasee – Nidra maahur deshee - Aisaa eyee baa

Everyday, bathing in the Holy waters of the Kashi and worshipping there; then going to Kolhapur for Alms; drinking the pure waters of the Tungabhadra and then sleeping at Mahur province (sleeping place of Lord Datta). Please come like this O! Baba.

Jzholee lombatase vaamakaree – trishoola damaroo dhari
Bhakta varada sadaa sukhakaaree Deseel mukti charee - Aisaa eyee baa

A ‘Jholi’ (bag for alms hanging from the shoulder) hanging on the left-shoulder, and carrying the trident ‘damru’ (kind of tabor) you bless the devotees with permanent happiness, granting them four-fold liberation viz. Resemblance to God, nearness to God, residing with the deity and absorption into the essense of Brahman. Please come like this O! Baba.

Paayee paadukaa japamaala – kamandaloo – Mrigacchalaa – dhaarana kariseebaa
Naagajataa – Mukuta sobhato maathaa - Aisaa eyee baa

Wearing wooden sandals, carrying Jap Mala (prayer beeds) Kamandalu (Container of water), wearing deer skin; on your head is the crown of serpent-like coiled tresses of your hair, which looks beautiful. Please come like this O! Baba.

Tatpara tujyaa je dhyaanee – akshyaya Thyaanche sadhanee – Lakshmeevasa karee
Dinarajanee – Rakshisi sankat vaaruni - Aisaa eyee baa

All those who meditate on you diligently have Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, dwelling in their homes, day and night uninterruptedly (Lakshmi, otherwise is fleet-floated and does not stay in one place for a long time). You also protect them by removing all their difficulties. Please come like this O! Baba.

Yaa pari dhyaana tujze gururaayaa – Drishya karee nayanaan yaa
Poornaananda sukhe hee kaayaa – Laavise hariguna gaayaa - Aisaa eyee….

When I behold you in my eyes and your handsome figure, Gururaya, I experience complete bliss and please make me sing the Lord’s praises. Please come like this O! Baba. (Whole refrain)

6 Shri Sainatha Mahimna Strotrama – Composed BY :: Shri Upasani Baba Maharaj

Sadaa satswaroopam chidaananda kandam Jagat sambhavasthaana samhaara hetum
Swabhaktechhayaa maanusham darsayantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is Truth Incarnate and is always in Consciousness and Bliss; the God who is the cause of creation, existence and destruction of the world; and, who has come in to this world in a human form for the sake of his own devotees.

Bhavadwaantha vidhwamsa maarthaanda meeddyam manovaagateetam munir dhyana gamyam
Jagadvyapakam nirmalam nirgunam twaam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is the bright sun whose light destroys the darkness of worldly desires; who is beyond the realm of speech and mind, but accessible to the sages who are engrossed in Thy meditation – One who pervades the whole world, pure and devoid of all attributes.

Bhawaambhodi magnaarthitaanaam lanaanaam Swapaadaasritaanaam swabhakti priyaanaam
Samuddhaaranaartham kalow sambhavantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who has manifested in this kaliyug (The dark and the troublesome age of present) for the salvation of those who believe in devotion to Him and those who have taken refuge at his feet as they are drowning and tormented by the ocean of worldliness.

Sadaa nimba vrikshasya mooladhivaasaat Sudhaasravinam tiktamapya priyantam
Tarum kalpa vrikshaadhikam saadhayantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath who, By His constant abode under the margosa tree, whose juice though by nature is bitter and distasteful, has turned it nectar-like sweet, because He has exalted the tree above the legendary Kalpavriksh (the wish-fulfilling tree)

Sadaa kalpavrikshyasya tasyaadhi mole Bhawadbhava budhyaa saparyaadisevaam
Nrinaam kurwataam bhukti mukti pradantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, whom people go to worship and render devotional services, knowing Him to be Himself the kalpavriksh always; for those people he satisfies their worldly desires and grants them salvation

Anekaashrutaa tarkya leelaa vilaasaeih Samaavishkruteshaana bhaasvat prabhaavam
Ahambhaava heenam prasannathma bhaawam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, whose innumerable and wonderful Leelas(divine play), unheard of and unimagined, have displayed His divine splenderous glory; yet who is devoid of ego and is happily absorbed in the Self.

Sataam Vishramaaraama mevaabhiraamam sadaa sajjanaih samsthutam sannamadbhih
Janaamodadam bhakta bhadrapradantam Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is the perennial abode of rest, repose and refuge for the virtuous people and to whom praises are directed by good and pious persons- He who is the bestower of happiness and welfare to His devotees.

Ajanmaadhyamekam param brahma saakshaat Swayam sambhavam raamamevaavateernam
Bhawadharshanaathsam puneetah praboham Nameeswaram Sadgurum Sainaatham.

Let us bow down to the God Sadguru Sainath, who is the Self-manifested, the Absolute Brahman, verily the Supreme Creator Incarnate, the Being without beginning or end, who has descended on this earth in the Ram avatar (Incarnation). O lord, I have been sanctified by your darshan.

Sree Sayeesa kripaanidhe akhilanrinaam sarwaartha siddhi prada Yushmatpaadarajah prabahavamatulam dhaataapi vaktaakshhamah Sadbhakthyaa saranam kritaan jali putah samprapthithosmi prabho Shrimath Sayi paresa paada kamalaa naanya ccharanyam mama

O Lord Sai, treasure-house of mercy, the bestower of all wealth, success and inspiration, even the creator is unable to describe the incomparable power of the dust of your feet. With my folded hands and true devotion, I surrender to you O Lord. There is no refuge for me, except the lotus feet of Shrimat Sainath, the Lord.

Sayiroopadhara raaghavottamam, Bhakta kaama vibhuda dhrumam prabhum Maayayopahata chitta shudhayae, Chintayaamyahamaharnisam mudaa

Lord Sai is the avatar of Raghav (Incarnation of Ram), the Lord who fulfils the desires of His devotees for the purification of their infatuated and deluded hearts and minds – to whom I pray, day and night, untiringly and blissfully.

Sharat sudhaamsu pratrima prakaasam, kripatapaatram tava Sainaatha Twadeeya paadaabja samaashritaanaam, Swachhaayayaa taapamapaa karothu

Lord Sainath, the canopy of your mercy is like the intense lusture of the autumn moon. Grant the cool shade (from that canopy) from the blazing heat of the three-fold calamities of life to those who have taken shelter at your feet.

Upaasanaa Daivata Sainaatha, Sthavairmayopaasaninaasthu sthatwam Ramenmaromne tava paadayugme bhrungo, Yathaabji makarmda lubdhah

Lord Sainath you are my God, whom I worship. I extol your praises. Let my mind dwell lovingly at your lotus feet, just as the bee hovers over the lotus flowers enticed by the desire of honey.

Aneka janmaarjita paapasamkshayo, Bhavet bhawatpaada saroja darshanaat Kshamaswa sarvaanaparaadha poonjakaan, praseeda Sayeesa Sadguro dayaanidhe

Lord Sai, Guru Ocean of compassion, bless me and pardon me for all my innumerable faults. May my boundless sins which have accumulated over several cycles of life be destroyed by the darshan of your feet

Sri Sainatha charanaamrita putachithaah, Sthwatpaada seva natrataah satatamcha bhaktyaa Samsaara janya duritaagha vinirgataaste, kaivalya dhaama paramam samavaapnuvanti

Those whose minds become purified by the nectar of tirth (Water deemed to be Holy from the washings of Lord’s feet) of Shri Sainath, those who are constantly absorbed in His service with – devotion they get freed from the distress caused by worldliness and attain salvation.

Strotrame tatpatte bhakthyaa yonara athanmanaahsadaa Sadguroh Sainaadhasya kripa paatram bhaveddhruham.

Whosoever always recites this hymn with devotion and absorption will certainly be the recepeint of the grace of Sadguru until he lives.

7 Guru Prasada Yachanaastakam – Composed BY :: B.V.Dev

Ruso mama priyaambikaa majavaree pitahee ruso Ruso mama priyaangana priyasutaatmajaahee ruso
Ruso bhagini bandhuhee swasura saasubayee ruso Na datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso

My darling mother, my father; my wife, my son, my daughter, my sister, my brother, my father-in-law, my mother-in-law, all may be annoyed with me but never my Dattaguru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Puso na sunabayee tyaa maja na bhratrujaayaa puso Puso na priya soyare priya sage na gnateen puso
Puso suhrida naa sakhaa swajana naapta bandhu puso Paree na Guru Saayima majavaree ksdheenhee ruso.

My daughter-in-law, my brother’s wife; my dear ones, kith and kin may turn away from me or even people from my own caste; my selfless friend or any friend may turn away from me, or even my own people or my relatives; but never my Guru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Puso na abalaa mulen tarun vriddhahee naa puso Puso na Guru Dhakute maja na thor saane puso
Puso nacha bhale bure sujan sadhuheen naa puso Paree na Guru Saayima majavaree ksdheenhee ruso

Women, children, young and old may turn away from me. The elders, the youngsters, the venerable and the tiny ones may turn away from me. The virtuous and the wicked may turn away from me; let the well-meaning and saintly also turn away from me; but never, ever, my Guru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Ruso chatura tatwavit vibhudha praagna jnaanee ruso Rusohi vidushee striyaa kushal panditaahee ruso
Ruso mahipatee yatee bhajak taapaseehe ruso Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso

Persons of acumen, knowers of Vedas, men of learning, wise men, may be annoyed with me or even the knowledgable, the erudite women, the clever learned ladies may be annoyed with me, but never my Dattaguru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Ruso kavi rishee munee anagha siddha yogee ruso Ruso hi grihadevataa ni kula grama Devee ruso
Ruso khala pishaascahee malin dhakineehee ruso Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso

The poets, the seers, the sages, those void of sin, and the inspired yogi may be annoyed with me. The family deity and the village deity may be annoyed with me. The base person, the devil, the foul witch may be annoyed with me, but never my Dattaguru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Ruso mriga khaga krimi akhila jeeva jantu ruso Ruso vitap prastaraa achal aapagaabdhee ruso
Ruso kha pavan naagni vaar avani panchatathwe ruso Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso

Deers, birds, insects, the entire animal and birds may be annoyed with me. The trees, stones, mountains, rivers, seas may be annoyed with me. The sky, wind, fire, water, earth ---- the five elements may be annoyed with me, but never my Dattaguru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Ruso vimal kinnaraa amala yakshineehee ruso Ruso shashi khagaadihee gagani taarakaahee ruso
Ruso amararaajahee adaya dharmaraajaa ruso Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso

The pure celestial musicians, unsullied female deities or celestial nymphs may be annoyed with me. The moon, sun, other stars from the skies, the planets may be annoyed with me. The immortal king Indra, merciless Dharmaraja may be annoyed with me, but never my Dattaguru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Ruso mana Saraawatee chapala chitta tehee ruso Ruso vapu dishaakhilaa kattina kaal tohee ruso
Ruso sakal vishwahee mayi tu brahma golaaM ruso Na Datta Guru Saayima majavaree kadheenhee ruso

Let my reasoning, speech and fickle mind be annoyed with me. Let my own body, all the ten directions, be annoyed with me. Let all-pervading difficult times be annoyed with me. Let the entire world, the universe be annoyed with me; but never my Dattaguru, my mother Sai, be annoyed with me.

Vimoodha hmanoonee haso majana matsaraahee daso Padaabhi ruchi ulhasoh janan kardamee naa phaso
Na durga dhriticha dhaso ashivbhaav maage khaso Prapanchi manahe ruso dridda virakti chitee ttaso

Let the people call me a fool and laugh. Let envy not sting me. Let me delight at the touch of the feet of the Lord. Let me not get trapped by the mire of the world. Let not the fort of chivalry topple down. Let me not wish evil with anyone. Let me be angry with the worldly affairs I am engaged in. Let me be disinterested, and let that indifference stay firmly in my mind.

Kunaachihi grinaa naso na cha sprihaa kashaachee aso Sadaiva hridayee vaso manasi dhyani Sayee vaso
Padee pranaya voraso nikhila drishya baabaa diso Na Dattaguru Saayima upari yaachneela ruso.

Let me not be contemptuous of anyone. Let me have no desires. Let there be only Sai in my heart, intellect and meditation. Let my love be oozing towards the lord’s feet (As the cow’s milk begins to flow when she sees her calf). Wherever I look in the world, I should see him only. My Lord, do not deny me these above-mentioned entreaties.

8 Mantra Pushpam

Hari Om yagnena yagnamayajanta devaastaani dharmaani prathamaabyaasan Tehanakam mahimaanah sachanta yatra poorve sadhyaa santi Devaah;

Hari Aum.(Invocation of Primordial sound) in the beginning the devas (Celestial beings) worshipped Lord Vishnu by means of a sacrificial fire(yagyan) by such religious deeds they attain greatness in heaven (the abode of the divine, Celestial beings).

Aum rajaadhiraajaaya prasahya saahine namo vayam Vaishravanaaya kurmahe Sa me kaaman kaama kaamaya mahyam kameswaro Vaishravano tathatu. Kuberaraya Vaishravanaaya Mahaaraajaaya namah.

“Aum! Salutation to Vaishravan(Celestial being in heaven incharge of wealth). He is the King of Kings, who is help. May he thy grant me my desires as Vaishravan, the lord of all my desires.

Om swasti saamrajyam bhojyam swaaraajyam vairaajyam, paarameshtyam Raajyam mahaarajya maadhi patya mayam Samantaparyaa yeesyat Saarvabhoumah saarvayushya aantaadaaparaaraadhaat prithivyai Samudraparyanthaayaa ekaraalithi

Aum! Let there be well being! Let he attain universal sovereignty eternelly, enjoyment (of pleasures), independence, perfect detachment, distinction and position of a great king, and supreme Lordship, so that he rules the universe and become the paramount ruler of the whole earth all his life, possessed of longevity and fullness of life, and be the absolute king of the earth streching upto its oceanic shores.

Tadapyesha slokobhigeeto marutah parivestaaro marutah pariveshtaaro maruttasyaavasan gruhe Avikshitasya kamaprer Visvedevaah sabhaa sada ithi

It is a prayer for Marutt, the son of Avikshit excelling in the four qualities of knowledge, righteousness, detachment and longivity - whose abode all Celestial deities visit.

Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya

O! Shri Narayan Vasudev Sachchidananad! Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Karacharanakritam vaakkaayajam karmajam vaa Shravananayanajam vaa maanasam vaaparadham
Viditamaviditam vaa sarvame tatshkamasva Jaya Jaya karunaabdhe shri pabho Sainaatha.

For the sins done by the hands and the feet, by the toungue and the body, or by the ears and the eyes, or those done in thought, or any other follies, known or unknown - for all these, forgive me. Hail ! Hail! O compassionate one, Shri Prabhu Sainath!

Shri Naarayana Vaasudevaaya Sri saccidananda Sadguru Saiñatha Maharaja ki Jaya

Hail! Shri Narayan Vasudev Sachchidananad! Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaaj Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai!

Aum! King of Kings! King of Yogis! Absolute Brahman! Sainath Maharaj! Hail! Shri Sachchidananda
Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki jai                               

Shej Aarathi

1 – ARATI - Composed by : Sant Tukaram Maharaj.

Owaloo aaratee mazhaa Sadgurunaathaa – maazhaa Sainaatha Paanchaahee tatwaanche deep laawilaa aataan

My Sadguru Sainath, I lit up the five elements of my body as a lamp and do your aarti.

Nirgunaachee sthitee kaisee aakaaraa aalee – Baba aakaaraa aalee Sarvaa ghatee bharooni vuralee Sayee Maawoolee Owaloo aaratee….

How has the attributeless taken form. Baba taken form! You fill every part of existence and still you are full O! Sai Mother. I do Aarti….

RajaTamaSathwa tighe maayaa prasawalee – Mazyawara maayaa prasawalee Mayecheeye potee kaisee maayaa udbhavalee Owaloo aaratee….

All the three qualities of passion, ignorance, excellence have spread illusion, have engulfed me with illusion. How has the rest of the illusory world come into existence, born of this Maya (illusion).
I do Aarti….

SaptaSaagaree kaisa khel maandeelaa – Baba khel maandeelaa Khelooniyaa khel awagha visthaar kelaa Owaloo aaratee….

How have you started this divine sport across the seven seas ! Baba started this divine sport! And how has this divine sport spread over the whole creation! I do Aarti….

Brahmaandeechee rachanaa keisee daakhavilee dolaa – Baba daakhavilee dolaa Tuka hmane maazhaa Swaamee kripaaloo bholaa Owaloo aaratee….

The Lord has shown me the creation and arrangement of this universe. Tuka says : My Lord is simple and compassionate. I do Aarti….

2 : JNANESWAR AARTI - Composed by : Rama Janardhani Swami.

Lopale jnaana jagin – hita nenatee konee Avataara Panduranga – nam ttevile jnanee

Knowledge had disappeared from the world. No one knew what was good or right. Then the Pandurang Avatar (incarnation) came and manifested in human form. The learned called him thus.

Aaratee Jnaanaraaja – mahaa kaivalya tejaa Sevitee Saadhusanta – hmanu vedhalaa maazha Aaratee Jnaanaraaja.

Aarti Jnyan Raja! (Lord of wisdom). Great divine essence and light! Served by Saints and sadhus as you are, you have engrossed my mind. Aarti Jnyan Raja!

Kanakachee tat kareen – Ubhyaa gopikaa naaree Narada tumbaraho – samgaayan karee Aaratee Jnaanaraaja….

With golden Thalis (Round platters filled with puja i.e. worship items) in their hands, gopikas and other woman are standing. Narad and Tumbar are singing Samveda! ( One of the four Vedas). Aarti …

Pragata guhya bole – vishwa brahmachi kele Rama Janardanee – payee masthak ttevile Aaratee Jnaanaraaja….

The secret knowledge has been disclosed that the universe is created by Brahma. Ram, Janardani! I bow and place their heads at the feet of the Lord. Aarti ….

3: TUKARAM ARARTI - Composed by : Shri Rameswar Bhat.

Aaratee Tukaaraamaa – Swamee Sadguru dhaamaa Satchidaananda murtee – paaya dakhavi aamhaa Aaratee Tukaaraamaa

Aarti Tukaram! Embodiment of Sadguru Swami, the personification of Sachchidanand! Grace us by giving a glimpse of your feet. Aarti Tukaram!

Raaghave Saagaraat – jaise paashaan taarile Taise he tuko baache – abhang rakshile Aaratee Tukaaraamaa…

Just as the boulders were kept afloat by Ram (When Lord ram built the bridge to Lanka, He kept boulders afloat in the waters), so were Tukoba’s precious books (Of Abhangs which were thrown into the River Indrayani near Dehu) floated on the river waters (As a result of His prayers, after three days had passed)

Tukitaa tulanesee – brahma tukasee aale Hmanoni raamesware – charanee mastak ttevile Aaratee Tukaaraamaa…

When appraising and comparing him with Brahma, Tukaram was found to be his equal (As Tukaram had Divinity also in Him). Because of this, Rameshwar, (Rameshwar, a Brahmin who was jealous of Tukaram’s knowledge, had thrown His books in the river) bowed down to Tuka.

4 : SEJ ARARTI - Composed by : Shri Krishna Jogeswar Bhishma.

Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho, Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho
Aalavito sapreme tuzhala aaratee ghevuni kareeho, Jai jai Sainatha aataa pahudaave mandiree ho

Let us Hail! Hail Sainath! Now come and please lie down in the temple.
Let us Hail! Hail Sainath! Now come and please lie down in the temple.

Holding the lamp in my hands, I do Aarti and pray to you with all my love.
Let us Hail! Hail Sainath! Now come and please lie down in the temple.

Ranjavisee too madhura bulunee – maaya jashi nija mulaa ho. Ranjavisee too madhura bulunee – maaya jashi nija mulaa ho
Bhogisi vyadhee tunch haruniyaa – nijasevak dukhaalaa ho. Bhogisi vyadhee tunch haruniyaa – nijasevak dukhaalaa ho.
Dhavuni bhakta vyasana harisi – darshan deshee tyaalaa ho Dhavuni bhakta vyasana harisi – darshan deshee tyaalaa ho
Jzhaale astil kasta ateesaya tumache yaa dehaalaa ho Jai jai Sainatha…

As a mother amuses her little son with a sweet talk, you also enrapture your devotees. For those devotees who have sufferings, you endure their problems by taking them upon yourself thus removing their difficulties. For those who are dedicated to Lord, you quickly give them Darshan. You must be terribly troubled in your body (Baba suffered for His devotees, by taking upon himself their physical afflictions). Let us Hail, Hail… Refrain…..

Skhmaa shayana sundara hee shobhaa – suman shej tyaavareen ho Skhmaa shayana sundara hee shobhaa – suman shej tyaavareen ho
Gdhyaavee todee bhakta jananchee – pujan archan kareen ho Gdhyaavee todee bhakta jananchee – pujan archan kareen ho
Owaalito panchaprana – jyotee sumatee kareen ho Owaalito panchaprana – jyotee sumatee kareen ho
Sevaa kinkara bhakta preetee – attar parimala vaaree ho Jai jai Sainatha…

Forgive us and lie down on that beautiful flower-decked bed. Please accept some of the services your devotees render in your worship. I offer you the light of good intentions lit with five elements of my body. This servant is offering you the Attar (perfume) of love and also fragrant water (Zarna water placed before Baba at bed-time, with rose water added to it) Let us Hail, Hail…...

Soduni jaayaa dukha waatate – Baba tava charanaansee ho Soduni jaayaa dukha waatate – Sayee tava charanaansee ho
Agnesthavah aasi prasaada – ghevuni nijasadanaasee ho Agnesthavah aasi prasaada – ghevuni nijasadanaasee ho
Jaato aata yevu punarapi – twatcharanaanche paashee ho Jaato aata yevu punarapi – twatcharanaanche paashee ho
Uttavoon tujala Saimaavule – nijahitasaadhaa yaasee ho Uttavoon tujala Saimavule – nijahitasaadhaa yaasee ho Jai jai Sainatha…

Sai it saddens us to leave your feet and go away. At your command, we go with your blessings as Prasad (blessed food), to our own homes. We are going now, but we will come again to be near your feet; to awaken you, Sai mother and to achieve our own welfare. Let us Hail, Hail….

5 : SEJ ARARTI - Composed by : Shri Krishna Jogeswar Bhishma.

Aataa Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa avadhutaa – Baba karaa Sainathaa Chinmaya he sukhfhaama jaawuni pahudaa ekaantaa

Now, Swami, sleep in peace, Avadhuta! Baba Sainatha do so.Mind full of pure knowledge, abode of happiness, retire in seclusion.

Vairaagyaachaa kunchaa ghewuni chowk jhadeela – Baba chowk jhadeela Tayaawaree supremaachaa shidakaavaa didhalaa Aataa Swaamee…

With the broom of non-attachment the courtyard has been swept. Baba the courtyard has been swept. At the time of sweeping the courtyard, it has been showered with love. Now….

Paayaghadadyaa ghatalyaa sundar navavidhaa bhakti - Baba navavidhaa bhakti Jnaanaachyaa samayaa laawuni ujalalyaa jyotee Aataa Swaamee…

The beautiful carpet of the nine types of Bkakti (Devotion) has been unrolled. Baba, of the nine types of Bkakti. The Samaya (Upright metal lampstand, used in temples and places of worship) of knowledge has been lit and the light burnished. Now….

Bhaavaarthaanchaa manchaka hridaya kaashee taangilaa – hridaya kaashee taangilaa Manaachee sumane karunee kele sheejelaa Aataa Swaamee…

The swing-bed of Faith and devotion has been suspended from the rafters (Like the woodwn plank which Baba had hang up from the rafters of the Dwarkamai mosque, for His bed) in my heart. Baba, I have hung it from the rafters. With a pure and virtuous mind I have made your bed. Now…

Dwaitaache kapaat laavuni ekatra kele – Baba ekatra kele Durbuddheenchyaa gatte soduni padade sodeele Aataa swaamee…

Duality is locked up behind the shut doors, and unity is established. Baba, unity is established. The knot of evil intentions has been loosened and the curtains have been opened (Lifting veils of ignorance). Now…

Aashaa trishnaa kal[anechaa Soonduni galabala – Baba Saanduni galabala Dayaa kshamaa shaantee daasee ubhyaa sewelaa Aataa Swaamee…

The clamour of desire, hope, imagination has been left behind. Baba the clamour has been left behind. Mercy, forgiveness, peace are now in attendance as humble servants. Now….

Alakshya unmanee ghevunee Baba naajuk dusshaalaa – Baba naajuk dusshaalaa Niranjana Sadguru swamee nijavile shejelaa Aataa Swaamee…

Inconceivably absorbed in divine contemplation, Baba wrapped in a pair of delicate shawls, Baba in a pair of delicate shawls. Perfect light of knowledge, Sadguru Swami, rest and sleep in your bed. Now…

Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Shri Guru Deva Datta!

6 : ABHANG - Composed by : Sant Tukaram Maharaj.

Paahen prasadachee vaat ghyaave dhuvoniyaan taat Sesh ghewoniaan taat Tumche jhaliyaan bhojan

I am waiting for the prasad . Give me a washed plate. I will take the left-overs from your plate after ypur meal is finished.

Jhaalo aata eksavaa Tumha aadu niyaa devaa Tuka hmane aatan chitt karooni raahilo nischint.

I have become one with you, after praying fervently to you, Lord. Tuka says : Now my mind is determinedly settled here (in devotion).

7 : ABHANG - Composed by : Sant Tukaram Maharaj.

Paawala prasaad aataa vitto nijaave – Baba aataa nijaave Apulaa to shrama kalo yetase bhaave

Now that the prasad is received Vithoba, do sleep. Baba, do sleep. We can understand how fatigued you are.

Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala – Baba Sai dayaalaa Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.

Now, Swami, sleep well, Gopala(Lord Krishna). Kind Baba Sai. Our desires are now fulfilled and we go now to our own homes.

Tumhaasee jaagawoo aamhi aapulya chaada – Baba aapulya chaada Shubhashub karme dosh haraavayaa peedaa.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala – Baba Sai dayaalaa Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.

We shall wake you up for our own needs to destroy the torment that is ours due to our fate, caused by our good or bad actions. Now Swami….

Tuka hmane didhale utchistaache bhojan - utchistaache bhojan Naahi nivadile aamha apulya bhinn.
Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala – Baba Sai dayaalaa Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.

Tuka says : You have given us the left-over food from your plate. You have selected us as being not separate from yourself. Now Swami…

Aataan Swaamee sukhe nidraa karaa Gopala – Baba Sai dayaalaa Purale manorath jato aapule sthalaa.

Now, swami, sleep well, Gopala(Lord Krishna). Kind baba sai. Our desires are now fulfilled and we go to our own homes.

Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki

Let us Hail! Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!

Aum Raajaadhiraaja Yogiraaja ParaBrahma Sainaath Maharaa Shri Satchitaanand Sadguru Sainaath Maharaaj ki Jai!

Aum! King of Kings! King of Yogis! Absolute Brahman! Sainath Maharaj! Let us Hail! Shri Sachchidananda Sadguru Sainath Maharaj!


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