With the nine forms of devotion: Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhya & Atmanivedana, lets bow down with reverence before our Guru who is the supreme being, the Lord of Lords, SatChitAnanda, from whom the living came into existence and in whom everyone merges, before him let us salute, and thank him for all the beautiful things he has done to us. May Lord Siva, Sai & Guru's grace be on all.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Baba visits me on the previous day of my Marriage

22-Oct-2011, Saturday was my marriage with Suma. I visited Shri Sai Baba temple @ Guntakal, Andhra Pradesh and invited Baba to my marriage and offered the wedding card to his holy feet. I also posted another card to Shri Sai Baba and my guru sai maa, Smt. Veena guptaji, New Delhi and One to my guru, Shri Ramananda Maharshi who always inspired me to sing Shri sai baba's Songs. Maharshi has a sweet voice and sang as many as 500+ Sankeerthans on Shri Sai baba. Meditating on Shri Sai Baba & listening to the sankeertans sung by Shri Ramananda maharshi has always been very powerful. I have always been concentrating on Shri Sai and amazed by his sports and Leelas and keep thinking of it every minute. Shri Sai thus is always close to my mind and heart.

My day of wedding was approaching with all preparations going on in parallel. I was very confident that Baba would visit me in some form during my wedding ceremony. A week before on Saturday early morning, i had a dream. Baba appeared sitting next to me. He looked well built and had big eyes and strong hands. He held my hand in his and said "Why are you worried?...Don't you know that i will come to your wedding. I will come to your wedding ...i will come to your wedding". I asked Baba.."Baba...how will i see you..., where exactly will i see you" Baba just smiled and disappeared and i woke up suddenly. Felt very happy and sentimental too.

I was confident that Baba would come and bless me and Baba acknowledged my belief. The day before marriage was my first marriage ritual, the "Haldi function", in which the Haldi (turmeric powder) would be applied on the face and hands of the bridegroom as it happens in every Hindu family. We went in procession to a near by "Sri Sunkalamma Devi" (Form of Durga Maa) temple. Once pooja is performed to the Diety, Haldi would be applied on the face. We reached the temple and stood on the temple premises and the elders went into the Garba gudi (inner sanctorium of temple). All of a sudden an old man appeared and approached me. He had a very pleasing personality. He was in his 60s and wore a pant and light shirt. He had big eyes with white and grey eye brows. He had lite beard. He raised his hand as if he we knew each other from very long and as if he was wishing me and blessing me saying he has come invited. I never saw him before. He came closely and stood just next to me.I saw him into his eyes. As i looked at him, i felt oneness with him. His eyes spoke a lot, as if he knew everything going on but we never exchanged a single word. I kept looking at him as if he will initiate a conversation.He kept silent. Just smiled at all of us pleasingly. Yes, He looked exactly the man i saw in my dream. He was Baba. His eyes, his face resembled the man in my dream. I felt very happy. I controlled and hid my tears. I told my younger sister Anitha, Baba is here. She saw and was excited. Yes..she said "..his body gestures resembled the same Sai Baba of Shirdi". As he was standing very near, almost touching us, one of my uncles asked him to sit on a stone seat near by. Do you know how he sat. He sat with one leg crossing the other, again acknowledging me that its ME only.

I kept gazing at him. All my inner senses were excited. I never spoke a word as if someone made me silent. As if some one has answered all my queries. As if someone has given me everything i wanted..As if someone fulfilled all my wishes, As if i had nothing to ask for, As if i accomplished everything in this world and nothing more and nothing less is needed anymore. Probably he knew i would not speak up and all my words had emptied, he initiated the first sentence and asked my sis, Anitha.

Baba: Whose Marriage is it.
Anitha: Showing me...My brother's.
Baba: Smiling. Do you know krishnaji..who is a Darji, meaning, a tailor.
Anitha: We don't know
Baba: Tomorrow, its his pooja here. (As if he has to attend his pooja. I felt Krishnaji should also be another staunch devotee of Baba and has attended Baba for his marriage)
Anitha & Me: Nodded our heads.

 I still never spoke a word. We knew it was Baba for sure, but not sure why i did not speak up. I could have touched his feet. Not sure why i stood dumb. Later, i realized i could have done all this. Baba, please forgive me. You are all in all for me and all of us. I'm nothing without you. Its only because of your Biksha that i'm what i'm. I'm still waiting for my marriage pics taken from the photographer's camera. It should have Baba's pictures. I will post them if the Baba i met is in them. My relatives who performed the pooja inside the inner sanctorium came outside with Maa's haldi to put it on my face to mark the start of the function. It was then that Baba left us blessing and looking at all of us most pleasingly. All of them, men & women who came to our function were asking me who it was. I told them it was my Baba who came to me. He left as silently as he came. We went back home in procession.
Next day, it was my marriage. On both days, i took a big portrait of Baba and kept it on the stage, just next to me. Baba was sitting close to me during my marriage. One of my wife's friend, brought a nice big portrait of Shri Sai Baba. Baba's portrait is equivalent to Baba himself as proven in Sai Satcharithra. It was an amazing experience of sorts to me to have Baba attend my marriage functions on both days.
Thanks Baba for all the joy you gave during my wedding. I wish i could still write how much it means to me while i say a Thanks to you. Koti koti thanks to my Parama Guru. You are just greatest of everything in this universe.

At the lotus feet of Shri Sai
Sudheer Kumar Pisay

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