With the nine forms of devotion: Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhya & Atmanivedana, lets bow down with reverence before our Guru who is the supreme being, the Lord of Lords, SatChitAnanda, from whom the living came into existence and in whom everyone merges, before him let us salute, and thank him for all the beautiful things he has done to us. May Lord Siva, Sai & Guru's grace be on all.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Baba manifests as Para Brahma Parama Shiva

As Baba says "What a man might give, does not last long and it is always imperfect. But what My Sarkar (God) gives, lasts to the end of time. No other gift from any man can be compared to His. My Sarkar says, 'Take, take', but everybody comes to Me and says 'Give, give!' Nobody attends carefully to the meaning of what I say. My Sarkar's treasury (spiritual wealth) is full, it is overflowing. I say, 'Dig out and take away this wealth in cartloads; the blessed son of a true mother should fill himself with this wealth.' The skill of My Fakir, the leela of My Lord and the aptitude of My Sarkar is quite unique. What about Me? Body (earth) will mix with earth, breath with air. This time won't come again. No matter where I go or where I sit, Maya always troubles me much, still I am always anxious for My men. He, who does anything (spritual endeavour), will reap its fruit and he, who remembers these words of mine, will get invaluable happiness." Shri Sai Satcharita, Chapter 32, Pages 173-174.

  What a Beautiful verse is this and how precious are these words. The more one dives deep into Spirituality (Adwaita bhava), the more experiences and oneness one feels with the self.
  He/She starts realizing that he/she is the ParaBrahma (Aham brahmasmi/I am Brahma).  When one starts feeling this within, he starts seeing the whole universe as his self. Everyone is really a Ansha (fraction) of the divine source of the cosmic energy. We all are really one and belong to that one big holy cosmic energy source. When such a feeling constantly flourishes in heart and mind, one feels he/she is no different than that divine source, that source which binds the entire universe, cosmos and all the beings across different realms. This divine source we call as Shiva. Different religions give different nomenclature. Baba called him as Sarkar/ Maalik (Chief). Hindu religion names him as "Shiva", the one who does not have any form (Nirakar), the one who is Niranjan (one who is not attached to the wordly dealings), the one who alone exists even after the whole universe gets annihilated (Avinashi), the one who exists everywhere (Satya), the one who is pure conciousness & full of knowledge (Chit), the one who is the pure essence of eternal happiness (Paramananda), the one who resides in every living being's heart (Hridaya Nivasi). Shirdi Sai Baba is none other than the Purna Sakaar (one with form) Swaroop of this Nirakaara (formless) SatchitAnanda Parabrahma. As one dives deep into meditating on the Nirakaara swaroop (formless nature) to feel oneness with this nirakaara tatva, the gross self is meeting with the subtle self (source) and becoming the pure self. During such a divine meeting of the self with the self and being able to remain in such a state is called the Samadhi/trance state. One starts seeing different Leelas (Siddhis) of the Lord. Here are few of such leelas shown by Baba who manifested himself as Shiva.


  Baba puts the devotees to test from time to time and when one passes the test, he presents the devotee with invaluable happiness and presents the fruits for their good karma. During one of the crisis faced by my family, i pressed everyone to keep faith in Baba and that the clouds will pass on. The clouds did pass and everyone was happy again. We never lost faith in Baba. During the early hours of the morning, Baba came into my vision during 2nd week of May 2015. I saw that there was a big function of Shri Sai AmritVani. We were cooking food in large vessels for the devotees and all the Baba's statues were seen moving here and there in the house. I saw one of the Baba's murthy reaching out to a tumbler to have the water offered to him with Love and Baba's Swaroop spoke "You will start seeing me moving and speaking to you now and then".  I then saw almost all the Swaroops of Baba speaking to me. I just got up from the dream and thanked Baba for the dream. Words cannot just express the feelings many a times. What a kind grace is this, how can we owe our gratitude to Baba for such a shower of love. Then a few days passed by. I was sure that if Baba blesses a vision, his words are pregnant with meaning and cannot be untrue. This was a sign to me, for something big bound to happen in near future.

  One month passed by, doing my daily routine of Abhisheka to Baba and Siva Linga with various materials, it was 05-Jun-2015 then. Jun 2015 marks one year anniversary of starting the daily Shiva Linga Aaradhana(worship) and Abhisheka along with Baba. Probably to acknowledge this service, Baba showered his grace once more, this time appearing as Shiva. Early morning i had a vision again with Baba, Huge Shiva Linga, & Guru Maa, Veena Maa all together coming in the same Vision. I was doing a raw vegan diet for close to 2 months and shed considerable no. of pounds. Maa was seen advising me to have good food and not to allow the body to starve. I saw a very huge Baba's Swaroop, about 50 feet height. I saw Baba's very huge flower Mala from his huge 50 feet swaroop falling down as a sign of his blessing. Its a vision to recall & rejoice till the end of the breath. Thank you Baba &amp. This vision left me in Saktipaat. I was ecstatic, overflowing with joy. As a daily routine, did the Abhisheka to Baba and Shiva Linga. That day, an orange was offered to Baba as Prasad (bhog). As a daily practice, i make sure, there are not stickers on the fruit while washing. I did not notice anything strange then. But after doing the Mangala Aarati (Pooja), i noticed a Tripund ( 3 horizontal lines which appears on Shiva) clearly marked on the fruit immediately. This can be seen in the picture here. What an invaluable gift is this. Such will be the shower of love of Siddha's towards their bhaktas. How can we even express our gratitude towards the Lord for what he has blessed us with. It is said that, Neither the human beings nor the Gods in Swarga loka can completely describe the significance of Tripund.  The trinity Gods, Brahma, Vishnu & Rudra explains its importance to the Loka as per the scriptures.

The Lord Brahma explains to Janaka Maharshi as said in the scriptures: ""Tripund has the same greatness and gloriousness that the Nirakar Lord Siva has".
The Lord Vishnu explains to Pippaladha Maharshi, "Tripund possesses the same power that the Lord Shiva possesses. Its not possible for me to explain completely the power of Tripund".
The first line in the Tripund denotes the Brahma, the second line, Vishnu and the third line represents the Sada Shiva. This tri-representation of horizontal lines is the power of brahma (Nirakar Siva).
Kalagni Rudropanishad explains: The first line of the Tripund denotes Maheshwar, second line, Sada Shiva, and the third, Nirakar Shiva Swaroop.
Brahmantara Khandam explains: There are nine Devata Shakthi's residing on each line on the tripund.

Hence its important to mark your forehead with the Tripund with the Udhi/Vibhuti whenever possible.

While i was left in a state of bliss, yet another month passed by, to experience another blessing from Shiva on 29-Jul-2015. As a daily practice, i offered tea to baba. It was a day before Guru Poornima in the USA (it was Gurupoornima day in India). I took the tea offered to baba from my Alter(temple@home). A Trishul manifestation is seen clearly on the tea.
Please see the pic in the album on this page. Read More on the significance of Trishul here:
Can't thank the Parabrahma Shiva & Baba enough for their benevolence and invaluable gift. What more can one ask for in the human life.

Yet one more gift comes from Sai Shiva during August 2015, this time its an Om symbol ॐ . The seeds on the brinjal slice form an Om, ॐ while i was preparing Baba's favourite dish Brinjal kacharya. Baba likes Kacharya as mentioned in Shri Sai Satcharita. More on ॐ click here.

It was September 2015. Looking at the sequence of events, i gained an understanding of the situations of when exactly the leelas would take place. Whenever i have a vision of Shiva linga, Baba or Veena Maa, its a clear indication from Baba to me that some leela can be expected on that day or the following day. On 7-Sep-2015, i had a vision of a huge Siva linga with kumkuma archana being done. I was again in ecstasy. No words can fully describe that state. No worries of any sort, free from all responsibilities, feeling of a fullness and an accomplishment state. I was singing Siva's song, Bho Shambho Siva Shambho Swayambho..., while i was signing, i took the tea that was offered to Baba and poured it in the vessel/container which had more tea,then looked at the container. Wonder of wonders. The Lord Rudra appeared in a sitting posture in the vessel. The layers formed on tea took that Shape. Same hour, my brother in law sent me a pic of Lord Rudra on whats-app. The outline of both the images tallied exactly. One could clearly see the cresent moon on the top on the hair of the Lord, a snake could be seen on the left hand side just above the hand on the left side.
Please see the pic for more.

Shiva Sai, im greatly indebted to you. Thanking you again & again is just not enough. Lord of Lords, you are so humble and benevolent. You shower so much of your grace & love in abundance that we forget this sansar (worldy dealings) just to be engrossed in your blissful thoughts.

Following month was Oct 2015. Oct 24th was a big day as it was Dusshera & Baba's Maha Samadhi day. I was chalking out the Dushhera plan for showing my gratitude towards Baba. I planned a Abhishek with 20-25 dravyas (materials). Previous day i bought all necessary stuff to get ready for the next day. Cooked myself various variety of food for Baba as my wife had gone to India for vacation. Baba's favorite dishes like Puran poli, dal, rice, rasam, sweet, lemon rice etc on the menu was offered to Baba with love. As usual, that day, during the early hours i had a vision of Baba himself. I was overjoyed and understood the indication that Baba will be there. I was arranging all the abhisheka materials in 20+ glasses. Even before the Aarati, Nandishwar (Shiva's Priya bhakta, the white bull on which Lord Shiva rides) appeared on the turmeric water. You can clearly see the shape on the pic. Nandishwar is readily present wherever the Lord Shiva's is present. If you read my previous experience on Nandishwar's 8 ways of keeping the Lord Shiva close to heart, you can thank & appreciate Nandishwar for what he has presented the world. More on Nandi here I thanked Shiva Sai for indicating his presence. Please rejoice looking at the pics.
                                                         Om Sai Ram. Om Sai Shiva.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Guru Maa's visit to the US - Baba's blessing with Tripund

There couldn't be another wonderful way to end 2014 and begin a fresh, spiritual and enlightening year 2015 than being rewarded with the company of the Guru. Yes, We had the auspicious moments of spending some valuable time with my Guru Maa, Veena Maa with hopes of coming a step closer to the Parabrahma, Shiva Sai. Maa visited the US in Nov-Dec 2014 in several locations in the US conducting Shri Sai AmritVani recitation. I visited Maa in Simi Valley, CA. Driving all the way for 600 Miles for the spirtual encounter is a trilling experience, and driving back on the same day is crazy fun, in the backdrop of beautiful mountains with greenery all around. What a wonderful journey it was. Along with my father,I reached Simi Valley from Sunnyvale, California an hour and half before the recitation.
We prostrated before Baba & Maa with our koti humble Pranams. Baba blessed us. Maa was very happy to recieve us. Shared some spiritual discussions with Maa on Meditation.
It was an intense euphoric feeling within, feeling as though my 7 Chakras were being cleansed with a chill sensation down my spine all the way up in the body with my eyes filled with tears for no reason. Thanked Baba for this awesome experience. We brought few apples for Baba from home for the veneration. Maa offered one apple from them to baba. She placed it near Baba's photo which was oozing with Udhi while we were having some spritual discussion. Being engrossed in the all pervasive divinity, She noticed Baba eating the apple and informed me of the same. I was delighted with joy to witness this. She said, 'Let Baba eat more, we will take the prasad later'.
There were more than 50 people in the gathering. Since we reached early, i helped the host with some last minute arrangements. The food arrived, i just helped them keep them in the kitchen. While we were doing this,I noticed Maa removing the lid of each of the food items. I asked Maa if i should bring a plate to offer these items near Baba's photo. She said, 'This is what im doing my son' and smiled. As I completely understand that she was one with Baba, removing each of the lid on the food packets and looking at it is equivalent to offering it to Baba. What a power she is blessed with. What a holy person she is. Blessed is my life for having her come in my life as one of my Gurus.
The recitation started & completed amidst Divine ambiance. Baba's presence was felt. Different photos & idols of Baba materialized Udi in no time. Fruits offered to Baba was accepted & blessed by Baba with Udhi instantly. Even the fruits which were in hand of Maa,before they were even being placed on the table before the recitation, was accepted and bitten by Baba as though he was waiting for the devotees offering from long time. Let your eyes feast on these pics. 
Maa blessed everyone with a global prayer and meditation. She said, what ever is asked for during that moment, is fulfilled by Baba with a 100% assurance. She gave me the apple placed during beginning near baba's photo.(Green apple in the pic). You know what, Baba blessed my devotion to Lord Siva. I do regular abhishek to Shivling & Baba daily at home with various materials. Baba acknowledged that he is one with Siva by marking a TRIPUND on the apple. Tripund is nothing but 3 horizontal lines on Lord Siva's forehead. You can see them on Shivling too. This reminds me of bhakt Megha, Baba's intimate devotee. Baba blessed his devotion to lord Siva and asked him to mark a Tripund on the wall and installed a Shivling there near the trident. Read Megha's Story in sai Satcharitra chapter 28 here. Im blessed, my family is blessed, my lineage is blessed. Couldn't ask for more in this life. Thank you my Baba. You are none other than the Parabrahma Siva. Koti Koti Pranams. Thank you for blessing me with so many opportunities to serve you. Bless me such that i serve your holy feet for ever. Bless me such that i get engrossed in your hearing & writing your leela's, listening to your sankeertans, feeling your presence and finally reaching your holy abode from where there is no return.