With the nine forms of devotion: Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhya & Atmanivedana, lets bow down with reverence before our Guru who is the supreme being, the Lord of Lords, SatChitAnanda, from whom the living came into existence and in whom everyone merges, before him let us salute, and thank him for all the beautiful things he has done to us. May Lord Siva, Sai & Guru's grace be on all.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Shri Sai AmritVani Experience & pics- 06-Jan-2011 Hyderabad

--- On Fri, 1/7/11, Sudheer pisay wrote:
From: Sudheer pisay
Subject: Shri Sai AmritVani Experience & pics- 06-Jan-2011 Hyderabad
To: "Ashok Gupta" , mysaibaba20@yahoogroups.com
Date: Friday, January 7, 2011, 11:16 PM

Sai Ram Dear Devotees,
Happy New Year 2011. What could be the better way to celebrate the New year than starting the first thrusday of the year in the presence of the Parabrahma Shri Sai and our Sadguru Sai Veena Maa who guides & shows us the Parabrahma. I started my journey of reciting the Sacred script Shri Sai Amritvani around 3 years ago when the holy couple made their first presence in Hyderabad. Since then i never missed an opportunity to attend the Amritvani whenever they have been to Hyderabad. Even otherwise, Baba has filled in a lot of enthu in me to recite the sacred script, Shri Amritvani every thursday with out fail since 3 years. This unique divine quality was rooted and imbibed in me by Veena ma. I consider her as my first guru. She has touched my life and transformed me immensely.Thaanks maa. Wherever i refer to veena ma it could be Baba and wherever Baba is refered it could be Veena ma. I see no difference in them. Baba uses Veena ma as his medium to transform tremendous power & enery to the devotees.
Mrs. Vaneja aunty requested Veenama to come to Hyderabad from Bangalore to bless the devotees of Hyderabad. This thursday as soon as i visited Mrs.Vaneja aunty's house, may Sai bless her & her family for having invited Veenama to shower her blessings, i started feeling a kind of chilled vibrations from the spine raising towards my head. And this feeling continued through out the Amrithvani. Probably this is the kundalini Shakthi that i read in meditation books. I know, my thanks wont be enough to express my gratitude to Baba and the holy couple.Still, Thank you Veena ma and Ashokji.
This week,Veenama stressed the importance of Meditation to recieve Sai's power & grace. In her words... Everyday a minimum of 5 minutes should be spent in meditation after praying Sai. Keep your mind & heart calm, do not allow your mind & heart to wander here and there. Recite Sai Sai if it wanders, this will allow your mind to be thoughts free, calm, concentrated & composed. Devotees should close their eyes for a 2 minute meditation after the Amritvani and should not open until Veenama completes a powerful prayer to Sai on behalf of All. Only after her prayers...everyone should open their eyes because she is praying for all of us and this prayer is extremely powerful and we should concentrate on this powerful prayer.
Then we saw Baba's Leelas which are captured in the pictures i have taken in my mobile.Sorry for the bad clarity of these pictures. One of the devotees brought Baba's murthy which is very big in length. Veenamaa's request to devotees is that we should not have a murthy (idol) which is bigger than the size of our palm. Such big size are meant to be in temples only. If we are keeping murthy of this size in house...then its such that we should daily do the 4 aarthis, offer bhog four times and do the abishek regularly as in temples. Since it would not be possible for everyone, we should restrict the idol to the size of the palm at the max. This idol which the devotee brought shows Baba cooking in a big handi. Vibhuti manifested on it And Baba did not leave it there, he is the amazing creator of this universe, he has shown his creativity by cooking some sweet dish in the handi. Can be seen in the pic.Such is the wonderful power of baba.
Devotees also prayed for the doctor family, Rajesh Talwarji and Nupur Talwarji for the injustice done by the CBI in the case of their Late daughter Arushi's murder. May Baba remove all their troubles.
The email has become too lengthy...again this flow is not mine but Baba's. Thanks to Veenama, Ashokji. Thanks to Mrs. Vaneja & family. May Baba fulfil all their desires. Lets pray Baba to continue to shower his blessings through Veenamaa, i'm sure if Baba wishes, Maa will visit Hyderabad often though her son got transferred to Bangalore & resides there.
Hail to Shri Sai. Peace be to All.
At the lotus feet of Shri Sai,
Sudheer Kumar Pisay.

Moving light was captured on CC camera in Sai baba Temple in DilshukNagar, Hyderabad

Hello Devotees,
Moving light was captured on CC camera in Sai baba Temple in DilshukNagar, Hyderabad recently last month. This was said to have happened on 3 different nights around 11pm when the temple gates were closed with only the security people left inside the temple. Devotees believe it to be our Baba and the bright light was seen moving around the temple premises and finally vanishing up into the sky.
Jai Sai Ram
At the lotus feet of Shri Sai,
Sudheer Pisay

Baba's Power of Udhi

I would like to share an incident happened today at Gachibowli Hyderabad. I came out from office to book Bus tickets and while returning to office on bike, i saw a mohammedan lady in her 60's fall suddenly while walking. She had her daughter accompanying her. I turned my bike thinking i would be of some help to them. The old lady was unconscious. For about 10 minutes, people were trying to bring her to consciousness by sprinkling water on her but the old lady did not respond. She was hardly breathing. The daughter started sobbing. I had a packet of Baba's Udhi. I gave some to the daughter and asked her to put in her mother's mouth and asked to pour in some water. She did. The old lady opened her eyes and came to consciousness. They took her beside the road safely and she was able to walk. Thanks to Baba. As soon as i started my bike to go back to office, i see a van passing by me with a big poster of Baba. One can imagine my happiness. My eyes got filled and I thanked Baba form the bottom of my heart.

At the lotus feet of Shri Sai
Sudheer Pisay.