With the nine forms of devotion: Sravana, Kirtana, Smarana, Padasevana, Archana, Vandana, Dasya, Sakhya & Atmanivedana, lets bow down with reverence before our Guru who is the supreme being, the Lord of Lords, SatChitAnanda, from whom the living came into existence and in whom everyone merges, before him let us salute, and thank him for all the beautiful things he has done to us. May Lord Siva, Sai & Guru's grace be on all.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Baba presents me a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables

Feb 2011 Experience:
It was during the end of Feb 2011 when one of my project work @ my office got completed and i was looking out for another project. Few companies have project to project technical discussions before hiring a resource for a project. I faced the discussion and got selected for the project. But my onboarding to project was delayed 2 weeks. The client was one of the biggest in the world and a dream client to work for, for many of the software professionals. I got the previlage for working for that client and its been a year or so, am still working for the same project and client. One week before joining the client workplace, i had a dream in the early hours. I see Baba comes in kafni and hands over a basket of fresh fruits and vegetables in my hand. Surprised, i thank Baba for what he has presented me. I did not know the meaning of it until i joined the client workplace but i was sure that this indicated something very good that's going to happen. I got confirmed and got onboarded to the new project. You know what...the client provides world class food and thats free of cost. There are chefs exclusively working for providing a very tasty menu. You get all kinds of snacks, soft drinks, fresh fruits all time and good breakfast, lunch & dinner. The work that i do is quite interesting. Am really enjoying what i do for the client. Baba is really great. He plans ahead what needs to be given and what not. This is Baba's bhiksha to me. Am really thankful to Baba for what he has been doing to me since i came to his fold.

At the lotus feet of My Guru,Shri Sai
Sudheer Kumar Pisay